Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C06 - CN Translations
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Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C06

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V1C06: Two of a Kind

This novel was posted on cntranslations [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

He got such a large wound, so is it even possible to treat it with just stitches?
“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”

He got such a large wound, so is it even possible to treat it with just stitches?

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

Was such a thing even possible?He spoke those words with frost, with a cold glare in his phoenix-shaped eyes. When he was done, he climbed back to his bunk without saying another word, as Jiang Shao still lay on the floor with his eyes rolled back into his skull.

Was such a thing even possible?

“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”
“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”

“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”

{He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection? }◈◇◈

He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.
When the door of the dorm room was pushed open, the boys within could be seen huddling as they spoke in whispers.

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.

“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”“Hey! Go check on him.”

“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”

Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.

{Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.}“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”He’s not breathing for real!

“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”

Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of good.
During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of good.

An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there.Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there. In a world where his father would willingly condemn him to such a place, a stranger like Shen Zhuoyun was willing to treat him well. Thus, that boy had encapsulated all his thoughts. That boy, who was now injured, made him quite distressed.

“Shao-{ge}, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.

“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

Feeling helpless by her words, Qin Mo had no choice but to tell her about the previous night’s incident. Then, after hearing it, Doctor Jiang stayed silent for a while before again stating, albeit in a lecturing tone, “You did well. You’re a very brave boy, too. You made the right decision because if you strangled him to death, your life would’ve been over then and there.”Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.

Feeling helpless by her words, Qin Mo had no choice but to tell her about the previous night’s incident. Then, after hearing it, Doctor Jiang stayed silent for a while before again stating, albeit in a lecturing tone, “You did well. You’re a very brave boy, too. You made the right decision because if you strangled him to death, your life would’ve been over then and there.”

Feeling helpless by her words, Qin Mo had no choice but to tell her about the previous night’s incident. Then, after hearing it, Doctor Jiang stayed silent for a while before again stating, albeit in a lecturing tone, “You did well. You’re a very brave boy, too. You made the right decision because if you strangled him to death, your life would’ve been over then and there.”
An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there. In a world where his father would willingly condemn him to such a place, a stranger like Shen Zhuoyun was willing to treat him well. Thus, that boy had encapsulated all his thoughts. That boy, who was now injured, made him quite distressed.

Feeling helpless by her words, Qin Mo had no choice but to tell her about the previous night’s incident. Then, after hearing it, Doctor Jiang stayed silent for a while before again stating, albeit in a lecturing tone, “You did well. You’re a very brave boy, too. You made the right decision because if you strangled him to death, your life would’ve been over then and there.”

{Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.}Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.

Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind.
He got such a large wound, so is it even possible to treat it with just stitches?

During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”

That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid.
He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.That’s good, then.

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.

◈◇◈He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.


The insanity caused Doctor Jiang to shudder, her chеst filling with a chill.
Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

The insanity caused Doctor Jiang to shudder, her chеst filling with a chill.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.
Qin Mo’s thoughts were a mess. Never in his life had his mind ever been so chaotic.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.N/A

The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.

{Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?}Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

Qin Mo’s thoughts were a mess. Never in his life had his mind ever been so chaotic.Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

Qin Mo’s thoughts were a mess. Never in his life had his mind ever been so chaotic.

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.
Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.

◈◇◈An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there. In a world where his father would willingly condemn him to such a place, a stranger like Shen Zhuoyun was willing to treat him well. Thus, that boy had encapsulated all his thoughts. That boy, who was now injured, made him quite distressed.


V1C06: Two of a KindDid you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

V1C06: Two of a Kind

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid.The insanity caused Doctor Jiang to shudder, her chеst filling with a chill.

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.


Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.He was right. Doctor Jiang also knew what had brought about the Glasses Boy’s many injuries.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.
That evening, as he lay in bed, he tossed and turned until the lights finally went out. But before he could get his disordered thoughts together, he felt something cold wrap around his ankle. Someone had grabbed him and was yanking him off his bed.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”He’s not breathing for real!

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”

“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.
Having such a thing happen at night was terrifying, but Qin Mo couldn’t so much as manage to shout before he was completely dragged off his bed.

“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.

“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.
Bang! His knee smashed into the bed frаme; the pain was so great that it shot to his brain like a bullet.

Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”When the door of the dorm room was pushed open, the boys within could be seen huddling as they spoke in whispers.

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”

{He got such a large wound, so is it even possible to treat it with just stitches?}“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”

He got such a large wound, so is it even possible to treat it with just stitches?

Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.
Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.

Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

“But I can’t bear it any longer.” Qin Mo mumbled and was overheard by Doctor Jiang.In a low voice, that boy then said to him, “This newbie is really something, ain't he? Since Shen Zhuoyun has had his back since he got here, we never got to know him now, did we? So today, let’s have our first meet-and-greet, shall we? The name is Jiang Shao, and don’t you forget it.”

“But I can’t bear it any longer.” Qin Mo mumbled and was overheard by Doctor Jiang.

He’s not breathing for real!
Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.

He’s not breathing for real!

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.

Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.
Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.

That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.

Was such a thing even possible?
In a low voice, that boy then said to him, “This newbie is really something, ain't he? Since Shen Zhuoyun has had his back since he got here, we never got to know him now, did we? So today, let’s have our first meet-and-greet, shall we? The name is Jiang Shao, and don’t you forget it.”

Was such a thing even possible?

He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?
With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.V1C06: Two of a Kind

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid.But before he could stand back up, Jiang Shao felt his stomach lurch.

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

But before he could stand back up, Jiang Shao felt his stomach lurch.
Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength. He did kick Qin Mo in the head and face, but not with the intent to kill him. But after a while, he noticed Qin Mo lying there, unmoving. Stunned, he stood still for a moment, then gave the huddled boy a hesitant kick. However, the body on the ground resembled a corpse, showing not even the slightest twitch.

But before he could stand back up, Jiang Shao felt his stomach lurch.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.
“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.Qin Mo’s thoughts were a mess. Never in his life had his mind ever been so chaotic.

Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?

Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.
Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.

“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice. No matter how hаrd they tried, they couldn’t yank them free. Only God knows where a sickly bastard like him had even found that kind of strength because the crazed blows dealt towards him did nothing to urge his release.

“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”

{Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.}N/A

Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?
Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.But before he could stand back up, Jiang Shao felt his stomach lurch.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.
“Hey! Go check on him.”

He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.

He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.

Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout.
One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.

Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind.The insanity caused Doctor Jiang to shudder, her chеst filling with a chill.

During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.


“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.The insanity caused Doctor Jiang to shudder, her chеst filling with a chill.

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.

But before he could stand back up, Jiang Shao felt his stomach lurch.Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?

But before he could stand back up, Jiang Shao felt his stomach lurch.

It will take time, but things will get better. Qin Mo thought these words, bringing himself at ease. There will always be a way for me to escape.
Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.

It will take time, but things will get better. Qin Mo thought these words, bringing himself at ease. There will always be a way for me to escape.

Was such a thing even possible?Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

Was such a thing even possible?

“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”
He’s not breathing for real!

“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”

After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice.Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice. No matter how hаrd they tried, they couldn’t yank them free. Only God knows where a sickly bastard like him had even found that kind of strength because the crazed blows dealt towards him did nothing to urge his release.

With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.

N/APassing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.


“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”

Qin Mo’s thoughts were a mess. Never in his life had his mind ever been so chaotic.
But before he could stand back up, Jiang Shao felt his stomach lurch.

Qin Mo’s thoughts were a mess. Never in his life had his mind ever been so chaotic.

“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice. No matter how hаrd they tried, they couldn’t yank them free. Only God knows where a sickly bastard like him had even found that kind of strength because the crazed blows dealt towards him did nothing to urge his release.

“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”

Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout.Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

{Thud.} He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.

{Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?}Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.

Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.
That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.

The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.“But I can’t bear it any longer.” Qin Mo mumbled and was overheard by Doctor Jiang.

The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.
Those stupid goddamn lackeys! Does this fυcker look like a corpse?!

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.



He couldn’t stand Yang Fanghong. He couldn’t stand the shіtty environment of that school.
After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice. No matter how hаrd they tried, they couldn’t yank them free. Only God knows where a sickly bastard like him had even found that kind of strength because the crazed blows dealt towards him did nothing to urge his release.

He couldn’t stand Yang Fanghong. He couldn’t stand the shіtty environment of that school.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

{He wants to kill me!}“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”

He wants to kill me!

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

◈◇◈That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.


The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.
He wants to kill me!

The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.

{Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.}Bang! His knee smashed into the bed frаme; the pain was so great that it shot to his brain like a bullet.

Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.V1C06: Two of a Kind

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

Having such a thing happen at night was terrifying, but Qin Mo couldn’t so much as manage to shout before he was completely dragged off his bed.
As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.

Having such a thing happen at night was terrifying, but Qin Mo couldn’t so much as manage to shout before he was completely dragged off his bed.

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

{It will take time, but things will get better.} Qin Mo thought these words, bringing himself at ease. {There will always be a way for me to escape.}He’s not breathing for real!

It will take time, but things will get better. Qin Mo thought these words, bringing himself at ease. There will always be a way for me to escape.

Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of {good}.“But I can’t bear it any longer.” Qin Mo mumbled and was overheard by Doctor Jiang.

Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of good.

“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”
Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.When the door of the dorm room was pushed open, the boys within could be seen huddling as they spoke in whispers.

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.

“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”As he made his way back to the room, he hugged the blankets tіghtly. Taking slow and measured steps, he found his mood lightening inexplicably.

“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”

“Shao-{ge}, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.Bang! His knee smashed into the bed frаme; the pain was so great that it shot to his brain like a bullet.

“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

In a low voice, that boy then said to him, “This newbie is really something, ain't he? Since Shen Zhuoyun has had his back since he got here, we never got to know him now, did we? So today, let’s have our first meet-and-greet, shall we? The name is Jiang Shao, and don’t you forget it.”
Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.

In a low voice, that boy then said to him, “This newbie is really something, ain't he? Since Shen Zhuoyun has had his back since he got here, we never got to know him now, did we? So today, let’s have our first meet-and-greet, shall we? The name is Jiang Shao, and don’t you forget it.”

{He got such a large wound, so is it even possible to treat it with just stitches?}He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.

He got such a large wound, so is it even possible to treat it with just stitches?

He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?
Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?

Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout.Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?

Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.
“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.

Was such a thing even possible?An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there. In a world where his father would willingly condemn him to such a place, a stranger like Shen Zhuoyun was willing to treat him well. Thus, that boy had encapsulated all his thoughts. That boy, who was now injured, made him quite distressed.

Was such a thing even possible?

Those stupid goddamn lackeys! Does this fυcker look like a corpse?!
He spoke those words with frost, with a cold glare in his phoenix-shaped eyes. When he was done, he climbed back to his bunk without saying another word, as Jiang Shao still lay on the floor with his eyes rolled back into his skull.

Those stupid goddamn lackeys! Does this fυcker look like a corpse?!

{He wants to kill me!}Qin Mo’s thoughts were a mess. Never in his life had his mind ever been so chaotic.

He wants to kill me!

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.The insanity caused Doctor Jiang to shudder, her chеst filling with a chill.

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.

“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”Having such a thing happen at night was terrifying, but Qin Mo couldn’t so much as manage to shout before he was completely dragged off his bed.

“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

As he made his way back to the room, he hugged the blankets tіghtly. Taking slow and measured steps, he found his mood lightening inexplicably.
Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.

As he made his way back to the room, he hugged the blankets tіghtly. Taking slow and measured steps, he found his mood lightening inexplicably.

Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there. In a world where his father would willingly condemn him to such a place, a stranger like Shen Zhuoyun was willing to treat him well. Thus, that boy had encapsulated all his thoughts. That boy, who was now injured, made him quite distressed.

Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.

Was such a thing even possible?“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”

Was such a thing even possible?

Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength.
Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength. He did kick Qin Mo in the head and face, but not with the intent to kill him. But after a while, he noticed Qin Mo lying there, unmoving. Stunned, he stood still for a moment, then gave the huddled boy a hesitant kick. However, the body on the ground resembled a corpse, showing not even the slightest twitch.

{Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?}Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

He was right. Doctor Jiang also knew what had brought about the Glasses Boy’s many injuries.
Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.

He was right. Doctor Jiang also knew what had brought about the Glasses Boy’s many injuries.

{Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.}Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.

Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”

V1C06: Two of a Kind
He couldn’t stand Yang Fanghong. He couldn’t stand the shіtty environment of that school.

V1C06: Two of a Kind

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of good.

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.

Feeling helpless by her words, Qin Mo had no choice but to tell her about the previous night’s incident. Then, after hearing it, Doctor Jiang stayed silent for a while before again stating, albeit in a lecturing tone, “You did well. You’re a very brave boy, too. You made the right decision because if you strangled him to death, your life would’ve been over then and there.”Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

Feeling helpless by her words, Qin Mo had no choice but to tell her about the previous night’s incident. Then, after hearing it, Doctor Jiang stayed silent for a while before again stating, albeit in a lecturing tone, “You did well. You’re a very brave boy, too. You made the right decision because if you strangled him to death, your life would’ve been over then and there.”

N/AGradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.


He couldn’t stand Yang Fanghong. He couldn’t stand the shіtty environment of that school.The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.

He couldn’t stand Yang Fanghong. He couldn’t stand the shіtty environment of that school.

“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”
He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.

“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.N/A

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.

{Thud.} He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.He’s not breathing for real!

Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?
Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

That evening, as he lay in bed, he tossed and turned until the lights finally went out. But before he could get his disordered thoughts together, he felt something cold wrap around his ankle. Someone had grabbed him and was yanking him off his bed.
There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

That evening, as he lay in bed, he tossed and turned until the lights finally went out. But before he could get his disordered thoughts together, he felt something cold wrap around his ankle. Someone had grabbed him and was yanking him off his bed.

{Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?}In a low voice, that boy then said to him, “This newbie is really something, ain't he? Since Shen Zhuoyun has had his back since he got here, we never got to know him now, did we? So today, let’s have our first meet-and-greet, shall we? The name is Jiang Shao, and don’t you forget it.”

Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength.But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength. He did kick Qin Mo in the head and face, but not with the intent to kill him. But after a while, he noticed Qin Mo lying there, unmoving. Stunned, he stood still for a moment, then gave the huddled boy a hesitant kick. However, the body on the ground resembled a corpse, showing not even the slightest twitch.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.He spoke those words with frost, with a cold glare in his phoenix-shaped eyes. When he was done, he climbed back to his bunk without saying another word, as Jiang Shao still lay on the floor with his eyes rolled back into his skull.

Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.


But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.
“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”

But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.Having such a thing happen at night was terrifying, but Qin Mo couldn’t so much as manage to shout before he was completely dragged off his bed.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

“But I can’t bear it any longer.” Qin Mo mumbled and was overheard by Doctor Jiang.That’s good, then.

“But I can’t bear it any longer.” Qin Mo mumbled and was overheard by Doctor Jiang.

After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice.
Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.

After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice. No matter how hаrd they tried, they couldn’t yank them free. Only God knows where a sickly bastard like him had even found that kind of strength because the crazed blows dealt towards him did nothing to urge his release.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.

He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.
Feeling helpless by her words, Qin Mo had no choice but to tell her about the previous night’s incident. Then, after hearing it, Doctor Jiang stayed silent for a while before again stating, albeit in a lecturing tone, “You did well. You’re a very brave boy, too. You made the right decision because if you strangled him to death, your life would’ve been over then and there.”

He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.Passing out is no big deal. The only thing to be afraid of is causing somebody’s death.

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?

Bang! His knee smashed into the bed frаme; the pain was so great that it shot to his brain like a bullet.
“But I can’t bear it any longer.” Qin Mo mumbled and was overheard by Doctor Jiang.

Bang! His knee smashed into the bed frаme; the pain was so great that it shot to his brain like a bullet.

He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.

He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.

Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.
“Why can’t you bear it anymore? If you take a step back, you can see the big picture. Patience is a virtue. Did your primary school teachers never teach you that?”

Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.When the door of the dorm room was pushed open, the boys within could be seen huddling as they spoke in whispers.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

Personality-wise, he could only be described as detached. He had been that way since he was young. He was not at all as personable as Shen Zhuoyun. But as long as they stayed together for a while, it was possible that part of him would improve.

{Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.}“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”

Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.
But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”

Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.He was right. Doctor Jiang also knew what had brought about the Glasses Boy’s many injuries.

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.

V1C06: Two of a KindWhy did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

V1C06: Two of a Kind

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

“He’s… He’s not breathing!” Fright almost brought the boy to tears.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.
He was right. Doctor Jiang also knew what had brought about the Glasses Boy’s many injuries.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.◈◇◈

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.

With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.As he made his way back to the room, he hugged the blankets tіghtly. Taking slow and measured steps, he found his mood lightening inexplicably.

With a nod, he instructed the two boys behind to let go, his leg then flying towards Qin Mo in a kick.

After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice.It will take time, but things will get better. Qin Mo thought these words, bringing himself at ease. There will always be a way for me to escape.

After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice. No matter how hаrd they tried, they couldn’t yank them free. Only God knows where a sickly bastard like him had even found that kind of strength because the crazed blows dealt towards him did nothing to urge his release.

But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.
It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”After realising Qin Mo was only pretending to be dead, the two boys rushed over to pry away Qin Mo’s hands. But Qin Mo’s hands were wrapped around Jiang Shao’s neck like a vice. No matter how hаrd they tried, they couldn’t yank them free. Only God knows where a sickly bastard like him had even found that kind of strength because the crazed blows dealt towards him did nothing to urge his release.

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”

“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?

“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”

During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind.Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.

During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid.V1C06: Two of a Kind

Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”
Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?

“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”

N/AHe’s not breathing for real!


Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of good.


He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?

He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.

“Hey! Go check on him.”◈◇◈

“Hey! Go check on him.”

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.During the past few days, Qin Mo has been walking around in a daze. The scene of Shen Zhuoyun sprawled out on the stretcher kept replaying in his mind. Sometimes it was replaced by the strange feeling he got at that moment when that boy patted his head. So the last thing he was interested in was the secret conversation by those huddling boys, who were ignored while he climbed to his top bunk, still very much in a daze.

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.

An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there.
Was such a thing even possible?

An imprinted chick that had lost its saviour—this was the only way Qin Mo could describe his current feelings. Shen Zhuoyun was the first person he had gotten close to since he found himself in this place—the one who always showed him the ins and outs of everything there. In a world where his father would willingly condemn him to such a place, a stranger like Shen Zhuoyun was willing to treat him well. Thus, that boy had encapsulated all his thoughts. That boy, who was now injured, made him quite distressed.

{Thud.} He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.N/A

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.
What would a child successfully transformed by this place even look like when they were again released into the world?

Qin Mo couldn’t accept this. He wholeheartedly refused.

“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”“... What if Shen Zhuoyun comes back? …”

“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”

When the door of the dorm room was pushed open, the boys within could be seen huddling as they spoke in whispers.But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

When the door of the dorm room was pushed open, the boys within could be seen huddling as they spoke in whispers.

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”
Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?

“If you want to live, you better not think of coming at me. I don’t want to fight, but if you two decide to try something, even if you stab me, I’ll make sure to drag you to hell with me while covered in holes.”

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!Right then, all of them got to learn quite well: biting dogs don’t bark.

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.Having such a thing happen at night was terrifying, but Qin Mo couldn’t so much as manage to shout before he was completely dragged off his bed.

One of the lackeys flipped Qin Mo over, using the moonlight coming through the window to look him over before taking a finger to his nose.

“Shao-{ge}, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?
The insanity caused Doctor Jiang to shudder, her chеst filling with a chill.

Powerlessness. It was the feeling that came crashing down on Doctor Jiang like a wave. What was the point of this supposed self-improvement academy?

{He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection? }Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength. He did kick Qin Mo in the head and face, but not with the intent to kill him. But after a while, he noticed Qin Mo lying there, unmoving. Stunned, he stood still for a moment, then gave the huddled boy a hesitant kick. However, the body on the ground resembled a corpse, showing not even the slightest twitch.

He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?

The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.He had once asked Doctor Jiang about the tuition there, and it turned out a guardian could only pay two years' worth of tuition at a time. He believed his father wouldn’t act stingy with such a small sum if it allowed him to solve a big problem for two whole years.

The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.

As he made his way back to the room, he hugged the blankets tіghtly. Taking slow and measured steps, he found his mood lightening inexplicably.Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

As he made his way back to the room, he hugged the blankets tіghtly. Taking slow and measured steps, he found his mood lightening inexplicably.

He spoke those words with frost, with a cold glare in his phoenix-shaped eyes. When he was done, he climbed back to his bunk without saying another word, as Jiang Shao still lay on the floor with his eyes rolled back into his skull.
“Um… by the way,” Qin Mo hesitated as he spoke. “When I, um... because I called 911 yesterday, did you...”

He spoke those words with frost, with a cold glare in his phoenix-shaped eyes. When he was done, he climbed back to his bunk without saying another word, as Jiang Shao still lay on the floor with his eyes rolled back into his skull.

Was such a thing even possible?He spoke those words with frost, with a cold glare in his phoenix-shaped eyes. When he was done, he climbed back to his bunk without saying another word, as Jiang Shao still lay on the floor with his eyes rolled back into his skull.

Was such a thing even possible?

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”
Did you get in trouble with the school? The school doesn’t exactly want to send students outside to get medical treatment. I know that much is true.

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”

“Shao-{ge}, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.He was sliced by a broken beer bottle, too. What if a lot of germs got in? What if he gets an infection?

“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.Those stupid goddamn lackeys! Does this fυcker look like a corpse?!

Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.

“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”Those stupid goddamn lackeys! Does this fυcker look like a corpse?!

“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”

He couldn’t stand Yang Fanghong. He couldn’t stand the shіtty environment of that school.Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

He couldn’t stand Yang Fanghong. He couldn’t stand the shіtty environment of that school.

Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.
“No, I didn’t get in trouble.” Regaining her senses at his question, she then looked at Qin Mo, who was already helping her tidy the medicine cabinets. At her words, the boy broke out in a smile.

Thud. He wanted to bend over to the pained area on his knee, but two dark figures seized him from behind, forcing him down to the ground in a kneel—forcing his arms up so his head was made to lower.

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.“... If he runs his mouth, we’ll just…”

As Jiang Shao struggled and flailed, this clear thought entered his mind. Again, he took a good look at Qin Mo’s face. It was a face that held no emotions—a face that resembled a ghost’s. Qin Mo had no intention of letting him go at all, putting every ounce of strength he had into his grip.

Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of {good}.That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

Those children were supposed to be learning the tenets of honesty, beauty, and goodness they had never learned, but instead, they threw them into this living hell. Trying to teach them goodness in a place where there was not an ounce of good.

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”

Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength. He did kick Qin Mo in the head and face, but not with the intent to kill him. But after a while, he noticed Qin Mo lying there, unmoving. Stunned, he stood still for a moment, then gave the huddled boy a hesitant kick. However, the body on the ground resembled a corpse, showing not even the slightest twitch.

But hearing those words made Qin Mo’s lips twitch before he spat back, “The glasses kid ‘endured,’ he bore it. So tell me, huh? What good did it do for him?”

He wants to kill me!
That’s good, then.

He wants to kill me!

“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”Bang! His knee smashed into the bed frаme; the pain was so great that it shot to his brain like a bullet.

“Goodness. Is there ever a day you and Shen Zhuoyun can have without causing worry?” Doctor Jiang spoke as she dressed Qin Mo’s wound before stating, “I thought you were a good boy. But it seems you’ve ended up picking up some bad habits from Shen Zhuoyun.”

Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.Why did that idiot go and get himself into a fight with an instructor of all people?

Laying on the ground and panting to catch his breath, the completely exhausted Jiang Shao looked completely dishevelled.

{He wants to kill me!}“Hey! Go check on him.”

He wants to kill me!

Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength.Qin Mo had never gotten into a fight before, but the anger he currently felt was great. He now understood that the reason he was able to live in relative peace since he got there was all due to Shen Zhuoyun providing him with protective aid. But even if Shen Zhuoyun came back, there was no way he could follow him for all twenty-four hours of the day. So had he taken his earlier beating like a coward, had he shown them fear, he would be damned to submit to those bastards for the rest of his days there.

Using his quick wits to take advantage of the situation, Qin Mo curled his body and lay on the floor. Jiang Shao was attacking for show, to prove his strength. He did kick Qin Mo in the head and face, but not with the intent to kill him. But after a while, he noticed Qin Mo lying there, unmoving. Stunned, he stood still for a moment, then gave the huddled boy a hesitant kick. However, the body on the ground resembled a corpse, showing not even the slightest twitch.

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.
He was finally able to breathe a sigh of relief. After finishing packing the cupboards, he made his way out to collect the dried blankets and sheets.

It was unbearable. It was unbearable, indeed.

That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.Having gotten close to the boys and talking to them a lot more, Doctor Jiang nags them more and more since both of them got injured.

That “not breathing” Qin Mo had sprung up, punching him in the stomach. Then, taking advantage of the gap in his reaction, Qin Mo flipped him, sat on his gut, and cinched both hands around his neck.

But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.Qin Mo couldn’t stand having to stay there for two godforsaken years. What’s more, if that supposed father of his was willing, he could continue to keep him locked up in that hellish place until it went belly up.

But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!
The sun shone down gently from above him. It was bright, but not searing. The blankets he grabbed smelled faintly of disinfectant mixed with the scent of the sun.

There was no question about it—he must find a way to escape!

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

Only then did Jiang Shao recall that the weak boy before him was sickly, so much so that even the instructors were scared doing laps would kill him, so they allowed him to take breaks. Even then, Qin Mo would still pass out after training for a while. All he wanted to do was knock him down a notch, not kill him.

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.
As he made his way back to the room, he hugged the blankets tіghtly. Taking slow and measured steps, he found his mood lightening inexplicably.

Flying a plane was the name of the position he was forced into. It was a coordinated group tactic used by people who had been sent to juvenile detention to bully the new entrants.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.“Shao-ge, he didn’t pass out again, did he? ” The two boys helping Jiang Shao were frightened by the sight; one of them even turned pale.

Gradually, Jiang Shao’s struggling lessened, his eyes soon rolling back in his head to show nothing but white. It was only then did Qin Mo take his hands away, finally letting him go.

“Hey! Go check on him.”But Shen Zhuoyun got injured. Again, he was all alone.

“Hey! Go check on him.”

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?Qin Mo didn’t allow himself to let out more than a muffled groan. With gritted teeth, he endured the sharp pain without uttering a shout. Having been pushed on his knees and his head pressed down until it almost touched the floor, he realised that place was no different than a prison, and as such, people of that kind being there were inevitable. They were forcefully suppressing themselves, so there was always someone looking to vent their anger. So when Qin Mo lifted his eyes, he saw a boy, seeming like the boss of the group, standing before him.

Throwing a demon into purgatory and, once let out, expecting an angel to emerge. Wasn’t such a hope beyond absurd?

That’s good, then.
It will take time, but things will get better. Qin Mo thought these words, bringing himself at ease. There will always be a way for me to escape.

That’s good, then.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.Flυstered, Jiang Shao kicked that boy out of the way and also knelt to check Qin Mo’s breath.

Qin Mo, too, was in a state of shock. Nonetheless, he steadily got on his feet and stared at the two lackeys before him, his reddened forehead that received Jiang Shao’s kick bearing a gash from which blood was trickling.

Author's Note:




Updated every Friday. Raws: jjwxc

Advance chapters on ko-fi

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