Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C09 - CN Translations
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Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C09

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C09: Shen Zhuoyun’s Return

This novel was posted on cntranslations [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.
Shen Zhuoyun returned.

What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.

"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.

As time went on, Shen Qing’s break period was over, and her energy was restored. She then got up to bravely take herself back to her class, where she hashed it out with her instructor. But before leaving, she turned to Qin Mo and asked, “This talk of ours wasn’t because you were planning to find a way to see Shen Zhuoyun, was it?"Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

As time went on, Shen Qing’s break period was over, and her energy was restored. She then got up to bravely take herself back to her class, where she hashed it out with her instructor. But before leaving, she turned to Qin Mo and asked, “This talk of ours wasn’t because you were planning to find a way to see Shen Zhuoyun, was it?"

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”

As time went on, Shen Qing’s break period was over, and her energy was restored. She then got up to bravely take herself back to her class, where she hashed it out with her instructor. But before leaving, she turned to Qin Mo and asked, “This talk of ours wasn’t because you were planning to find a way to see Shen Zhuoyun, was it?"
Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.

As time went on, Shen Qing’s break period was over, and her energy was restored. She then got up to bravely take herself back to her class, where she hashed it out with her instructor. But before leaving, she turned to Qin Mo and asked, “This talk of ours wasn’t because you were planning to find a way to see Shen Zhuoyun, was it?"

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.

“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.N/A

“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.

Pausing for a moment after hearing him, Shen Qing’s expression became even more mysterious. “Is that so? It’s going to be really hаrd for you then.”“No, I haven’t.”

Pausing for a moment after hearing him, Shen Qing’s expression became even more mysterious. “Is that so? It’s going to be really hаrd for you then.”

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.
Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.Qin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”

“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”

Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally."So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.

Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!
It wasn’t the first or second time he had fought with Jumbo Guo. Under normal circυmstances, the school turned a blind eye and never punished Shen Zhuoyun. But this was different. Not just because he was hospitalised, but because he also cracked the outer corner of Instructor Guo’s orbital bone. That man also had to be hospitalised and stitched up, so it was a pretty big deal.

Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.After applying the ointment, Shen Qing rinsed her mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “The only time you see any kind of light is when they bring you your meals for the day—three if you’re good. After you’re done eating, you just put the dishes aside and wait for them to be taken away with the next meal.”

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.

What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.

What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.

As a result, more than a few of the other classes were preparing to unite. Rubbing their paws, they were already planning to mess with Class 9 a few times to teach Jiang Shao how things are and will be.
There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.

As a result, more than a few of the other classes were preparing to unite. Rubbing their paws, they were already planning to mess with Class 9 a few times to teach Jiang Shao how things are and will be. But now that Shen Zhuoyun had returned, there was no mention of him being dismissed from Yang Fanghing or the school. The only news given out was that for a week, Shen Zhuoyun would be kept in confinement.

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it.“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it.N/A

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”
The other classes were well aware that if Shen Zhuoyun got dismissed, the only other person in Class 9 Yang Fanghong was partial to was glasses-boy. So when the time came, the one who'd be named would be him, but the one who'd be calling the shots would be that son-of-a-bitch, Jiang Shao. It was a prospect none of them were thrilled about.

“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it.What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind."So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.

The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind. Thinking about them made me happy. I was so happy, I was actually laughing out loud, nonstop. Because of this, when the squad leader, who was dropping off my food, came by, she thought I had gone mad. She high-tailed it like a bat out of hell to tell the instructor about it after that. ”

{Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.}Qin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”

Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.

Qin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”
Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.

Qin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”

“No, I haven’t.”“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”

“No, I haven’t.”

The other classes were well aware that if Shen Zhuoyun got dismissed, the only other person in Class 9 Yang Fanghong was partial to was glasses-boy. So when the time came, the one who'd be named would be him, but the one who'd be calling the shots would be that son-of-a-bitch, Jiang Shao. It was a prospect none of them were thrilled about.
What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.

The other classes were well aware that if Shen Zhuoyun got dismissed, the only other person in Class 9 Yang Fanghong was partial to was glasses-boy. So when the time came, the one who'd be named would be him, but the one who'd be calling the shots would be that son-of-a-bitch, Jiang Shao. It was a prospect none of them were thrilled about.

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.The other classes were well aware that if Shen Zhuoyun got dismissed, the only other person in Class 9 Yang Fanghong was partial to was glasses-boy. So when the time came, the one who'd be named would be him, but the one who'd be calling the shots would be that son-of-a-bitch, Jiang Shao. It was a prospect none of them were thrilled about.

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.Shen Zhuoyun returned.

Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?
As a result, more than a few of the other classes were preparing to unite. Rubbing their paws, they were already planning to mess with Class 9 a few times to teach Jiang Shao how things are and will be. But now that Shen Zhuoyun had returned, there was no mention of him being dismissed from Yang Fanghing or the school. The only news given out was that for a week, Shen Zhuoyun would be kept in confinement.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?

The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind.Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind. Thinking about them made me happy. I was so happy, I was actually laughing out loud, nonstop. Because of this, when the squad leader, who was dropping off my food, came by, she thought I had gone mad. She high-tailed it like a bat out of hell to tell the instructor about it after that. ”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it.As he thought of these, Shen Qing then added with gusto, “Inside is as bare as a baby’s backside, but there are still a bunch of mice and bugs scurrying about. So when I did sleep on the floor, I was always scared those vermin would crawl into my ears or nostrils.”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

It wasn’t the first or second time he had fought with Jumbo Guo. Under normal circυmstances, the school turned a blind eye and never punished Shen Zhuoyun. But this was different. Not just because he was hospitalised, but because he also cracked the outer corner of Instructor Guo’s orbital bone. That man also had to be hospitalised and stitched up, so it was a pretty big deal.
With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?

It wasn’t the first or second time he had fought with Jumbo Guo. Under normal circυmstances, the school turned a blind eye and never punished Shen Zhuoyun. But this was different. Not just because he was hospitalised, but because he also cracked the outer corner of Instructor Guo’s orbital bone. That man also had to be hospitalised and stitched up, so it was a pretty big deal.

Shen Zhuoyun returned.As a result, more than a few of the other classes were preparing to unite. Rubbing their paws, they were already planning to mess with Class 9 a few times to teach Jiang Shao how things are and will be. But now that Shen Zhuoyun had returned, there was no mention of him being dismissed from Yang Fanghing or the school. The only news given out was that for a week, Shen Zhuoyun would be kept in confinement.

Shen Zhuoyun returned.

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit.“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind.On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind. Thinking about them made me happy. I was so happy, I was actually laughing out loud, nonstop. Because of this, when the squad leader, who was dropping off my food, came by, she thought I had gone mad. She high-tailed it like a bat out of hell to tell the instructor about it after that. ”

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.Shen Zhuoyun returned.

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.
Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit.
Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

C09: Shen Zhuoyun’s ReturnQin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”

C09: Shen Zhuoyun’s Return

Not wanting to hide it from her, Qin Mo answered honestly.
“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around. She was slapped so hаrd in the face that she had even lost a tooth. She was still in pain as she talked, and her words were slurring. “I shot back, of course, calling her an old spinster. I even added that no one in this life would ever want someone like her, so she started trading blows with me after that.”

Not wanting to hide it from her, Qin Mo answered honestly.

Shen Qing still carried on about her Juan’er after that, her chatter going into one of Qin Mo’s ears and out the other, as he focused on his own plans.N/A

Shen Qing still carried on about her Juan’er after that, her chatter going into one of Qin Mo’s ears and out the other, as he focused on his own plans.

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.

“No, I haven’t.”Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.

“No, I haven’t.”

Shen Qing still carried on about her Juan’er after that, her chatter going into one of Qin Mo’s ears and out the other, as he focused on his own plans.
Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.

Shen Qing still carried on about her Juan’er after that, her chatter going into one of Qin Mo’s ears and out the other, as he focused on his own plans.

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.Hearing this confirmed, the gears in Qin Mo’s brain started turning.

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.

Qin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

Qin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.
Not one instructor was easy to get along with here. Even the female instructors are no different.

Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

As he thought of these, Shen Qing then added with gusto, “Inside is as bare as a baby’s backside, but there are still a bunch of mice and bugs scurrying about. So when I did sleep on the floor, I was always scared those vermin would crawl into my ears or nostrils.”Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.

As he thought of these, Shen Qing then added with gusto, “Inside is as bare as a baby’s backside, but there are still a bunch of mice and bugs scurrying about. So when I did sleep on the floor, I was always scared those vermin would crawl into my ears or nostrils.”

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?

“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”

After returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.
The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.

After returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.Hearing this confirmed, the gears in Qin Mo’s brain started turning.

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.Hearing this confirmed, the gears in Qin Mo’s brain started turning.

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.Not wanting to hide it from her, Qin Mo answered honestly.

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.

Shen Zhuoyun returned.Staring at the clueless lump that was Qin Mo nodding honestly, a confused Shen Qing started to wonder: Could it be that the relationship between these two isn’t as I thought? For a moment, she discarded her teasing intentions, her lips pursing as she seriously said, “Confinement is being locked up in a small, dark room.”

Shen Zhuoyun returned.

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.
"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.

Shen Qing still carried on about her Juan’er after that, her chatter going into one of Qin Mo’s ears and out the other, as he focused on his own plans.“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”

Shen Qing still carried on about her Juan’er after that, her chatter going into one of Qin Mo’s ears and out the other, as he focused on his own plans.

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.
“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”

Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.

Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. {In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!}Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.

Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.Not one instructor was easy to get along with here. Even the female instructors are no different.

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.

"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.

"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.

It wasn’t the first or second time he had fought with Jumbo Guo. Under normal circυmstances, the school turned a blind eye and never punished Shen Zhuoyun. But this was different. Not just because he was hospitalised, but because he also cracked the outer corner of Instructor Guo’s orbital bone. That man also had to be hospitalised and stitched up, so it was a pretty big deal.“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”

It wasn’t the first or second time he had fought with Jumbo Guo. Under normal circυmstances, the school turned a blind eye and never punished Shen Zhuoyun. But this was different. Not just because he was hospitalised, but because he also cracked the outer corner of Instructor Guo’s orbital bone. That man also had to be hospitalised and stitched up, so it was a pretty big deal.

After applying the ointment, Shen Qing rinsed her mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “The only time you see any kind of light is when they bring you your meals for the day—three if you’re good. After you’re done eating, you just put the dishes aside and wait for them to be taken away with the next meal.”
Qin Mo nodded. It was absolutely true that the relationship between him and Shen Zhuoyun was good.”

After applying the ointment, Shen Qing rinsed her mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “The only time you see any kind of light is when they bring you your meals for the day—three if you’re good. After you’re done eating, you just put the dishes aside and wait for them to be taken away with the next meal.”

Qin Mo said nothing in response to this, but seeing his eyes, Shen Qing realised he did not care about such a thing at all. Letting out a sigh, she too fell silent before asking him, “Qin Mo, have you ever been in love?”Qin Mo’s brows furrowed as he listened. People have a natural dеsire for socialisation, so wouldn’t keeping them locked up like this make them go mad? What’s more, if there’s no bed, does that mean they have to sleep on the bare ground?

Qin Mo said nothing in response to this, but seeing his eyes, Shen Qing realised he did not care about such a thing at all. Letting out a sigh, she too fell silent before asking him, “Qin Mo, have you ever been in love?”

{I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.}The other classes were well aware that if Shen Zhuoyun got dismissed, the only other person in Class 9 Yang Fanghong was partial to was glasses-boy. So when the time came, the one who'd be named would be him, but the one who'd be calling the shots would be that son-of-a-bitch, Jiang Shao. It was a prospect none of them were thrilled about.

I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.

As a result, more than a few of the other classes were preparing to unite. Rubbing their paws, they were already planning to mess with Class 9 a few times to teach Jiang Shao how things are and will be.N/A

As a result, more than a few of the other classes were preparing to unite. Rubbing their paws, they were already planning to mess with Class 9 a few times to teach Jiang Shao how things are and will be. But now that Shen Zhuoyun had returned, there was no mention of him being dismissed from Yang Fanghing or the school. The only news given out was that for a week, Shen Zhuoyun would be kept in confinement.

As he thought of these, Shen Qing then added with gusto, “Inside is as bare as a baby’s backside, but there are still a bunch of mice and bugs scurrying about. So when I did sleep on the floor, I was always scared those vermin would crawl into my ears or nostrils.”
Staring at the clueless lump that was Qin Mo nodding honestly, a confused Shen Qing started to wonder: Could it be that the relationship between these two isn’t as I thought? For a moment, she discarded her teasing intentions, her lips pursing as she seriously said, “Confinement is being locked up in a small, dark room.”

As he thought of these, Shen Qing then added with gusto, “Inside is as bare as a baby’s backside, but there are still a bunch of mice and bugs scurrying about. So when I did sleep on the floor, I was always scared those vermin would crawl into my ears or nostrils.”

“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”

Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around. She was slapped so hаrd in the face that she had even lost a tooth. She was still in pain as she talked, and her words were slurring. “I shot back, of course, calling her an old spinster. I even added that no one in this life would ever want someone like her, so she started trading blows with me after that.”

Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.
“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

{Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.}After applying the ointment, Shen Qing rinsed her mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “The only time you see any kind of light is when they bring you your meals for the day—three if you’re good. After you’re done eating, you just put the dishes aside and wait for them to be taken away with the next meal.”

Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around. She was slapped so hаrd in the face that she had even lost a tooth. She was still in pain as she talked, and her words were slurring. “I shot back, of course, calling her an old spinster. I even added that no one in this life would ever want someone like her, so she started trading blows with me after that.”

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?

Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. {In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!}After returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.

Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

{What’s going to be hаrd?} Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.

What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.
Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

Not wanting to hide it from her, Qin Mo answered honestly.“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

Not wanting to hide it from her, Qin Mo answered honestly.

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit.Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around.
After applying the ointment, Shen Qing rinsed her mouth, spitting out a mouthful of blood. “The only time you see any kind of light is when they bring you your meals for the day—three if you’re good. After you’re done eating, you just put the dishes aside and wait for them to be taken away with the next meal.”

“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around. She was slapped so hаrd in the face that she had even lost a tooth. She was still in pain as she talked, and her words were slurring. “I shot back, of course, calling her an old spinster. I even added that no one in this life would ever want someone like her, so she started trading blows with me after that.”

Shen Zhuoyun returned.Not one instructor was easy to get along with here. Even the female instructors are no different.

Shen Zhuoyun returned.

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture.Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

Pausing for a moment after hearing him, Shen Qing’s expression became even more mysterious. “Is that so? It’s going to be really hаrd for you then.”
Qin Mo’s brows furrowed as he listened. People have a natural dеsire for socialisation, so wouldn’t keeping them locked up like this make them go mad? What’s more, if there’s no bed, does that mean they have to sleep on the bare ground?

Pausing for a moment after hearing him, Shen Qing’s expression became even more mysterious. “Is that so? It’s going to be really hаrd for you then.”

{What’s going to be hаrd?} Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.It wasn’t the first or second time he had fought with Jumbo Guo. Under normal circυmstances, the school turned a blind eye and never punished Shen Zhuoyun. But this was different. Not just because he was hospitalised, but because he also cracked the outer corner of Instructor Guo’s orbital bone. That man also had to be hospitalised and stitched up, so it was a pretty big deal.

What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.
As he thought of these, Shen Qing then added with gusto, “Inside is as bare as a baby’s backside, but there are still a bunch of mice and bugs scurrying about. So when I did sleep on the floor, I was always scared those vermin would crawl into my ears or nostrils.”

“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it.Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”
Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

{I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.}Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.

I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.

After returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

After returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.

Shen Zhuoyun returned.Shen Zhuoyun returned.

Shen Zhuoyun returned.

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.
Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

{What’s going to be hаrd?} Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture.There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture.
The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind. Thinking about them made me happy. I was so happy, I was actually laughing out loud, nonstop. Because of this, when the squad leader, who was dropping off my food, came by, she thought I had gone mad. She high-tailed it like a bat out of hell to tell the instructor about it after that. ”

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

“No, I haven’t.”Not wanting to hide it from her, Qin Mo answered honestly.

“No, I haven’t.”

Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.Hearing this confirmed, the gears in Qin Mo’s brain started turning.

Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.

Staring at the clueless lump that was Qin Mo nodding honestly, a confused Shen Qing started to wonder: Could it be that the relationship between these two isn’t as I thought? For a moment, she discarded her teasing intentions, her lips pursing as she seriously said, “Confinement is being locked up in a small, dark room.”
“The squad leader did?” Qin Mo had become adept at filtering out Shen Qing’s rаmbles for key points while listening.

Staring at the clueless lump that was Qin Mo nodding honestly, a confused Shen Qing started to wonder: Could it be that the relationship between these two isn’t as I thought? For a moment, she discarded her teasing intentions, her lips pursing as she seriously said, “Confinement is being locked up in a small, dark room.”

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit.Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.

“No, I haven’t.”
“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”

“No, I haven’t.”

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

Not one instructor was easy to get along with here. Even the female instructors are no different.
Hearing this confirmed, the gears in Qin Mo’s brain started turning.

Not one instructor was easy to get along with here. Even the female instructors are no different.

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around. She was slapped so hаrd in the face that she had even lost a tooth. She was still in pain as she talked, and her words were slurring. “I shot back, of course, calling her an old spinster. I even added that no one in this life would ever want someone like her, so she started trading blows with me after that.”

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”

What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.Hearing this confirmed, the gears in Qin Mo’s brain started turning.

What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”
Shen Qing still carried on about her Juan’er after that, her chatter going into one of Qin Mo’s ears and out the other, as he focused on his own plans.

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit.Pausing for a moment after hearing him, Shen Qing’s expression became even more mysterious. “Is that so? It’s going to be really hаrd for you then.”

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.

On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.Shen Zhuoyun returned.

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.C09: Shen Zhuoyun’s Return

Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

C09: Shen Zhuoyun’s Return
As time went on, Shen Qing’s break period was over, and her energy was restored. She then got up to bravely take herself back to her class, where she hashed it out with her instructor. But before leaving, she turned to Qin Mo and asked, “This talk of ours wasn’t because you were planning to find a way to see Shen Zhuoyun, was it?"

C09: Shen Zhuoyun’s Return

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.

What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.
On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.Shen Zhuoyun’s fists were hаrd, his attacks were fierce, and the air around him was that of a lone hero. So, because of this, not only in his class, but other classes were fine with yielding to him.

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.

Qin Mo’s brows furrowed as he listened. People have a natural dеsire for socialisation, so wouldn’t keeping them locked up like this make them go mad? What’s more, if there’s no bed, does that mean they have to sleep on the bare ground?
Not wanting to hide it from her, Qin Mo answered honestly.

Qin Mo’s brows furrowed as he listened. People have a natural dеsire for socialisation, so wouldn’t keeping them locked up like this make them go mad? What’s more, if there’s no bed, does that mean they have to sleep on the bare ground?

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.Qin Mo also spent the entire morning thinking about Shen Zhuoyun, to the point where he was restless. No one was allowed to visit Shen Zhuoyun while he was in confinement. Qin Mo asked Doctor Jiang, and she replied that there was nothing she could do about it either. Honestly speaking, she had no idea what the confinement room was like.

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.
“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

"So, what’s confinement like?” Qin Mo finally asked her.

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”“Yeah. The instructor is way too lazy to do all that, so they usually pawn it off to the squad leader. They toss them the key and have them drop off the three daily meals.”

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.
“I know. I understand that much.” Qin Mo spoke in turn.

“A small, dark room? That’s a punishment?” For a person like Qin Mo, whose room back at his father’s house was always dark, this was something curious indeed. He would always pull his blackout curtains to sleep during the day, and at night he would open them to code. He would be in perpetual darkness for most of the day, never seeing a bit of light.

“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

N/AQin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.


Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.
I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.

Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.

With this, a few classes lowered their banners, stopping any plans in motion. What could they do? Shen Zhuoyun was only temporarily hospitalised. What fool would steal peaches from Mount Huaguo when the Monkey King had returned?

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.

Staring at the clueless lump that was Qin Mo nodding honestly, a confused Shen Qing started to wonder: {Could it be that the relationship between these two isn’t as I thought?} For a moment, she discarded her teasing intentions, her lips pursing as she seriously said, “Confinement is being locked up in a small, dark room.”“Take my advice and don’t do anything foolish. Shen Qing’s words were blunt. “He still gets food while he’s there, so it’s not that big of a deal. Once he's out, you’ll get to see him again, so just be patient.”

Staring at the clueless lump that was Qin Mo nodding honestly, a confused Shen Qing started to wonder: Could it be that the relationship between these two isn’t as I thought? For a moment, she discarded her teasing intentions, her lips pursing as she seriously said, “Confinement is being locked up in a small, dark room.”

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.
“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture.Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

Shen Zhuoyun returned.
Qin Mo said nothing in response to this, but seeing his eyes, Shen Qing realised he did not care about such a thing at all. Letting out a sigh, she too fell silent before asking him, “Qin Mo, have you ever been in love?”

Shen Zhuoyun returned.

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it.“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.
“No, I haven’t.”

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.

N/ANote: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.


Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.After returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

N/AAfter returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.


“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”The moment the topic of her girlfriend waiting on the outside got brought up, Shen Qing started up again. “One time when I was in confinement, all the memories of the stupid things my Juan’er and I did together flooded my mind. Thinking about them made me happy. I was so happy, I was actually laughing out loud, nonstop. Because of this, when the squad leader, who was dropping off my food, came by, she thought I had gone mad. She high-tailed it like a bat out of hell to tell the instructor about it after that. ”

“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”

“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”
Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”

N/ALooks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.


Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it.
“Have you ever thought about finding a girlfriend, then?” Shen Qing asked with a strange grin.

Shen Qing glanced at him while she began applying the medicine to her face herself, soon letting out a hiss at the ointment’s sting. “To be exact, it’s more like a storeroom with not a thing inside it. There are no windows, no bed—even the vent isn’t see-through. So once the door’s shut, the only thing you’ll see is pitch-black darkness. You won’t even have the slightest idea whether it’s day or night.”

Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.“No, I haven’t.”

Shen Qing continued to gripe after this about how the old witch was not even human, all while Qin Mo looked at her face—half of it swollen. The black and blue imprint shaped like a palm on the girl’s skin made Qin Mo deeply aware that this school regards both sеxes equally.

As time went on, Shen Qing’s break period was over, and her energy was restored. She then got up to bravely take herself back to her class, where she hashed it out with her instructor. But before leaving, she turned to Qin Mo and asked, “This talk of ours wasn’t because you were planning to find a way to see Shen Zhuoyun, was it?"What about Jiang Shao, then? At the juvenile detention facility he was in, he wasn’t even good enough to carry a person’s shoes. It was only because there wasn’t any other known talent in Class 9 that a lowly snake like him was able to slither his way into the line for the throne.

As time went on, Shen Qing’s break period was over, and her energy was restored. She then got up to bravely take herself back to her class, where she hashed it out with her instructor. But before leaving, she turned to Qin Mo and asked, “This talk of ours wasn’t because you were planning to find a way to see Shen Zhuoyun, was it?"

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.“Confinement? Are you asking about this because of Shen Zhuoyun?” Shen Qing was taller than Qin Mo, so from above him, her smiling face and folded arms seemed mischievous. “You two, the relationship between you guys is pretty good, isn’t it?”

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.

“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”


Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. {In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!}“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”

Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.

Before this news was in circulation, the people at the school were all speculating that the leader of Class 9, Shen Zhuoyun, would be dismissed as the head of the class.

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”Later, in the afternoon, Shen Qing was sent to the infirmary, so Qin Mo had finally gotten hold of a person with experience in that place. In just half a month, she spent almost ten days in confinement alone!

“If you go there and an instructor catches you, it’ll be you who’ll get the short end of the stick.” Shen Qing spelled it out as best she could. “What if they no longer let you stay in the infirmary any more?”

There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.
What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.

There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.

There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.Pausing for a moment after hearing him, Shen Qing’s expression became even more mysterious. “Is that so? It’s going to be really hаrd for you then.”

There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.Looks-wise, Qin Mo was quite handsome, but with his loner personality and every spare second of his day spent dedicated to coding, he gave no attention to the girls around him, so he had naturally never dedicated any time to love.

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.

Qin Mo said nothing in response to this, but seeing his eyes, Shen Qing realised he did not care about such a thing at all. Letting out a sigh, she too fell silent before asking him, “Qin Mo, have you ever been in love?”
Pausing for a moment after hearing him, Shen Qing’s expression became even more mysterious. “Is that so? It’s going to be really hаrd for you then.”

Qin Mo said nothing in response to this, but seeing his eyes, Shen Qing realised he did not care about such a thing at all. Letting out a sigh, she too fell silent before asking him, “Qin Mo, have you ever been in love?”

Shen Zhuoyun returned.It wasn’t the first or second time he had fought with Jumbo Guo. Under normal circυmstances, the school turned a blind eye and never punished Shen Zhuoyun. But this was different. Not just because he was hospitalised, but because he also cracked the outer corner of Instructor Guo’s orbital bone. That man also had to be hospitalised and stitched up, so it was a pretty big deal.

Shen Zhuoyun returned.

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.
What’s going to be hаrd? Qin Mo wanted to ask this, but before he could speak, Shen Qing walked out of the infirmary to continue her fight against the forces of evil.

What’s more, in Qin Mo’s plan for his life, there was no listing for getting a girlfriend.

On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.

On the outside, Qin Mo looked calm, but he was still just a sixteen-year-old boy. It may not have been easy to see what he was thinking, but Shen Qing could still take a good guess.

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit.As a result, more than a few of the other classes were preparing to unite. Rubbing their paws, they were already planning to mess with Class 9 a few times to teach Jiang Shao how things are and will be. But now that Shen Zhuoyun had returned, there was no mention of him being dismissed from Yang Fanghing or the school. The only news given out was that for a week, Shen Zhuoyun would be kept in confinement.

Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”
Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.

“No.” Qin Mo was a bit confused by her line of questioning, suspecting the girl was going to pimp him out or something. So, thinking this, he decided to politely decline. “Sorry, but I think my current age makes it inappropriate for us to be discussing something like this.”

N/AShen Zhuoyun returned.


Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.

Qin Mo first heard the news from Doctor Jiang, but with so many people talking about such a scoop, as if the news grew wings, it was soon all over the school.

Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.
After returning to his dorm room that night, Qin Mo swept his gaze over to glasses-boy’s bunk and saw the boy was nowhere to be seen.

Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.

Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around.Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around. She was slapped so hаrd in the face that she had even lost a tooth. She was still in pain as she talked, and her words were slurring. “I shot back, of course, calling her an old spinster. I even added that no one in this life would ever want someone like her, so she started trading blows with me after that.”

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.There was no mention of dismissal, but they did have to treat it as an important disciplinary matter with all the constant attention they received from the other instructors.

Shrugging, Qin Mo put the matter aside and began to plan everything out carefully.

I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.
Hmm. It looks like he is the one responsible for delivering the food.

I really do know as much, but I still want to see him and how his stomach is doing.

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture.Hearing it alone was enough to make Qin Mo feel his stomach turn, and for the life of him, he couldn’t figure out why she would say such things while getting excited.

Qin Mo had just changed the sheets of the beds in the infirmary, and Shen Qing didn’t hesitate to use them. Tidying herself up, she swaggered and flopped on the bed, then said, “Honestly, though, being locked there really feels like torture. Every time I had to stay there for more than a day, I felt as if I was a second away from losing my entire mind. During those moments, I had to think about my girlfriend. I thought about her and thought about her until the time was up.”

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.“The old witch didn’t like the look of me again and decided to cuss me out for being an excessively perverted homosеxual.” Shen Qing’s trouble was a bit serious this time around. She was slapped so hаrd in the face that she had even lost a tooth. She was still in pain as she talked, and her words were slurring. “I shot back, of course, calling her an old spinster. I even added that no one in this life would ever want someone like her, so she started trading blows with me after that.”

The only advantage the girls' class had over the boys' class was that the bullying situation among the students themselves wasn’t as serious. At least according to Shen Qing, who never saw the girls brawling with one another, though the occasional argument between them was inevitable.

Author's Note:



Note: The Monkey King is obviously Sun Wukong from Journey to the West. Mount Huaguo (lit., mountain of flowers and fruit) was the mountain where he was born from a stone and declared the Monkey King after a test of courage with his monkey pals. And he did run amok sometime down the line after getting sent to heaven (the Jade Emperor run one) for editing himself (and his monkey friends) out of the book of Life and Death and assigned jobs he found lowly, such as guarding the garden of the Peaches of Immortality. He ate them all, trashed the place, and got into major trouble after that before getting punished. That punishment, a literal Bhudda’s Palm-sized grounding under Bhudda’s Mountain, ended (more like he got paroled) when Tang Sanzang (the MC of JttW) set him free… to act as a protector on his journey to the West.

Updated every Friday. Raws: jjwxc

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