Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C12 - CN Translations
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Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C12

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C12: Deception

This novel was posted on cntranslations [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today.
The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility. Then there were sky-high fences topped off with coils of barbed wire. Luckily, they weren’t also electrified, but there were surveillance cameras stationed at every corner of the school with instructors there to monitor them in shifts. They may not be the kind to fully focus on their work, but they weren't blind either.

After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today. So you all better be on your best goddamn behaviour. If I catch any of you giving so much as a hint using your goddamn eyes, I will be on your aѕs like white on rice! You hear me?! Don’t you dare cause a repeat of what happened last time. If any of you get any dumb ideas today, the training for all of you will be doubled!”

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity.C12: Deception

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.
Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.

“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.

“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility.“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility. Then there were sky-high fences topped off with coils of barbed wire. Luckily, they weren’t also electrified, but there were surveillance cameras stationed at every corner of the school with instructors there to monitor them in shifts. They may not be the kind to fully focus on their work, but they weren't blind either.

“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”
Even though the place was a private academy and not a prison, it was still an incredibly difficult place to break out of.

“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity.
So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”

With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.
“Qin Mo!”

With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.A few of the parents really did go over to the group of kids and ask, and the answers they received were the same without exception: They don’t hit us. We might be a bit exhausted from the training here, but our instructors never beat us. Nothing like that happens here.

With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

N/AAfter their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.


Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity.While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed. But presently, those jackets were fastened tіghtly, while sombre and upright expressions were plastered on their faces. Not a handcuff was in sight, nor were the batons they usually carried. The only thing hanging from their neat uniforms were whistles hung around their necks.

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”
“Here, sir!” Shooting off of his seat, Qin Mo instinctively stood at attention.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”

“Qin Mo!”Of the inquisitive parents, a wealthy woman, in particular, had rushed over and taken Qin Mo by the hand, a kind look radiating from his face as she asked honestly, “Young man, can you tell me what things here are like?”

“Qin Mo!”

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.
“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.

“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.“Here, sir!” Shooting off of his seat, Qin Mo instinctively stood at attention.

“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core.
“His Excellency, the Premier, visited Country X and met with the President of Country X last evening. Upon meeting, the President of Country X highly praised the relationship of our country with their own before extending a warm welcome to His Excellency for his visit.” Qin Mo almost had the lines of the broadcast repeated word for word, disappointing Yang Fanghong once again. It was the result of Qin Mo’s multitasking skills. He was able to simultaneously receive multіple types of information and critically analyse both.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core. So when they come to us here, we train them like troops. This way, when they leave our firm and guiding hands, they go out into the world as the thoughtful and sensible young adults they are meant to be.”

“Qin Mo!”It was at this point that Qin Mo finally understood what was happening. The parents who were coming—who came—were there to look into the “school” as an option. So everything about that day was just an act put on for those parents’ sake.

“Qin Mo!”

“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”

“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.
“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.

“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.

{Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.}Qin Mo did as instructed, his back as straight as a soldier’s. The news broadcast still played on the television in the screening room where they were currently eating breakfast that day. Watching the rebroadcast of the prior night’s news and having random checks to make sure the students were watching was a regular activity after breakfast every day. If the student can’t answer, they will be made to run laps or do pushups as punishment. But compared to being punched and kicked during their training sessions, such punishments seemed insignificant.

Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.

N/AQin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”


Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside.
Qin Mo did as instructed, his back as straight as a soldier’s. The news broadcast still played on the television in the screening room where they were currently eating breakfast that day. Watching the rebroadcast of the prior night’s news and having random checks to make sure the students were watching was a regular activity after breakfast every day. If the student can’t answer, they will be made to run laps or do pushups as punishment. But compared to being punched and kicked during their training sessions, such punishments seemed insignificant.

Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity.The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility.
Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility. Then there were sky-high fences topped off with coils of barbed wire. Luckily, they weren’t also electrified, but there were surveillance cameras stationed at every corner of the school with instructors there to monitor them in shifts. They may not be the kind to fully focus on their work, but they weren't blind either.

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity.A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

It was at this point that Qin Mo finally understood what was happening. The parents who were coming—who came—were there to look into the “school” as an option. So everything about that day was just an act put on for those parents’ sake.“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”

It was at this point that Qin Mo finally understood what was happening. The parents who were coming—who came—were there to look into the “school” as an option. So everything about that day was just an act put on for those parents’ sake.

“Qin Mo!”A few of the parents really did go over to the group of kids and ask, and the answers they received were the same without exception: They don’t hit us. We might be a bit exhausted from the training here, but our instructors never beat us. Nothing like that happens here.

“Qin Mo!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.
After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today. So you all better be on your best goddamn behaviour. If I catch any of you giving so much as a hint using your goddamn eyes, I will be on your aѕs like white on rice! You hear me?! Don’t you dare cause a repeat of what happened last time. If any of you get any dumb ideas today, the training for all of you will be doubled!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”

“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.“His Excellency, the Premier, visited Country X and met with the President of Country X last evening. Upon meeting, the President of Country X highly praised the relationship of our country with their own before extending a warm welcome to His Excellency for his visit.” Qin Mo almost had the lines of the broadcast repeated word for word, disappointing Yang Fanghong once again. It was the result of Qin Mo’s multitasking skills. He was able to simultaneously receive multіple types of information and critically analyse both.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

Without drawing attention to himself, Qin Mo observed the expressions of those around him and realised such threats were the norm.
Without drawing attention to himself, Qin Mo observed the expressions of those around him and realised such threats were the norm.

Without drawing attention to himself, Qin Mo observed the expressions of those around him and realised such threats were the norm.

N/AAfter their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.


Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.
Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”
“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”


“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.

“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”A few of the parents really did go over to the group of kids and ask, and the answers they received were the same without exception: They don’t hit us. We might be a bit exhausted from the training here, but our instructors never beat us. Nothing like that happens here.

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”

Qin Mo did as instructed, his back as straight as a soldier’s. The news broadcast still played on the television in the screening room where they were currently eating breakfast that day.A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

Qin Mo did as instructed, his back as straight as a soldier’s. The news broadcast still played on the television in the screening room where they were currently eating breakfast that day. Watching the rebroadcast of the prior night’s news and having random checks to make sure the students were watching was a regular activity after breakfast every day. If the student can’t answer, they will be made to run laps or do pushups as punishment. But compared to being punched and kicked during their training sessions, such punishments seemed insignificant.

“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”
“Better? What the hell is better about that? It also means other people are coming in.” The first speaker said with a sneer. “That damn director of ours deceives people like those snakes pitching pyrаmid schemes, a damn near savant at selling pipedreams.”

“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”

“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.

“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility.Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility. Then there were sky-high fences topped off with coils of barbed wire. Luckily, they weren’t also electrified, but there were surveillance cameras stationed at every corner of the school with instructors there to monitor them in shifts. They may not be the kind to fully focus on their work, but they weren't blind either.

“Qin Mo!”
“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”

“Qin Mo!”

“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.

Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”

Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.

A few of the parents really did go over to the group of kids and ask, and the answers they received were the same without exception: They don’t hit us. We might be a bit exhausted from the training here, but our instructors never beat us. Nothing like that happens here.
“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

A few of the parents really did go over to the group of kids and ask, and the answers they received were the same without exception: They don’t hit us. We might be a bit exhausted from the training here, but our instructors never beat us. Nothing like that happens here.

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.

With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”

With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

“Here, sir!” Shooting off of his seat, Qin Mo instinctively stood at attention.Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

“Here, sir!” Shooting off of his seat, Qin Mo instinctively stood at attention.

Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.Of the inquisitive parents, a wealthy woman, in particular, had rushed over and taken Qin Mo by the hand, a kind look radiating from his face as she asked honestly, “Young man, can you tell me what things here are like?”

Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.

The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.
The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”

“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.
While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed. But presently, those jackets were fastened tіghtly, while sombre and upright expressions were plastered on their faces. Not a handcuff was in sight, nor were the batons they usually carried. The only thing hanging from their neat uniforms were whistles hung around their necks.

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions. We are certified by the Education Bureau itself, and we are the ones who bear the responsibility if someone in our care is harmed. But—it must be noted that as a military-styled institution, we do impose fitting punishments for bad behaviour, such as running laps or restricting them from participating in other activities for the day. I do hope you can understand us doing this much. As parents, you must be well aware of the special circυmstances in which students here are placed in our care.”

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

Even though the place was a private academy and not a prison, it was still an incredibly difficult place to break out of.“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

Even though the place was a private academy and not a prison, it was still an incredibly difficult place to break out of.

After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”

After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright.N/A

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright. You can tell me honestly. Do they beat people here? Please don’t lie. I read many reports about places like these doing such things to kids, and it's what I’m afraid of the most. My daughter… She's not really a bad girl, but if nothing else works, she might have to be sent here. So, please, tell me the truth. I swear I won’t breathe a word of it to the director. I promise.”

“His Excellency, the Premier, visited Country X and met with the President of Country X last evening. Upon meeting, the President of Country X highly praised the relationship of our country with their own before extending a warm welcome to His Excellency for his visit.
Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.

“His Excellency, the Premier, visited Country X and met with the President of Country X last evening. Upon meeting, the President of Country X highly praised the relationship of our country with their own before extending a warm welcome to His Excellency for his visit.” Qin Mo almost had the lines of the broadcast repeated word for word, disappointing Yang Fanghong once again. It was the result of Qin Mo’s multitasking skills. He was able to simultaneously receive multіple types of information and critically analyse both.

While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed.When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed. But presently, those jackets were fastened tіghtly, while sombre and upright expressions were plastered on their faces. Not a handcuff was in sight, nor were the batons they usually carried. The only thing hanging from their neat uniforms were whistles hung around their necks.

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”

After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.
The piercing cry of a whistle then rang through the air.

After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”“Qin Mo!”

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”

Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing? This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!
“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”

Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing? This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!

Even though the place was a private academy and not a prison, it was still an incredibly difficult place to break out of.Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing? This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!

Even though the place was a private academy and not a prison, it was still an incredibly difficult place to break out of.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. {Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?}With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.
When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. {Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?}With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”

The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.
Putting aside his shock, Qin Mo followed the group and sat down in place. Just as they did, he caught sight of the tubby admissions director, jiggling beer belly in tow, bumbling down the stairs while wearing a huge grin as he accompanied a group of people. As they all walked towards the sporting grounds, his thіck lips sputtered as he made his pitch: “As you see, all our facilities are not what you’d call cutting-edge, so they can be used to develop our students’ self-sufficiency. With military-styled management, they can blah blah blah…”

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility. Then there were sky-high fences topped off with coils of barbed wire. Luckily, they weren’t also electrified, but there were surveillance cameras stationed at every corner of the school with instructors there to monitor them in shifts. They may not be the kind to fully focus on their work, but they weren't blind either.

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”
It was at this point that Qin Mo finally understood what was happening. The parents who were coming—who came—were there to look into the “school” as an option. So everything about that day was just an act put on for those parents’ sake.

“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. {Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?}Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions.
“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”

“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions. We are certified by the Education Bureau itself, and we are the ones who bear the responsibility if someone in our care is harmed. But—it must be noted that as a military-styled institution, we do impose fitting punishments for bad behaviour, such as running laps or restricting them from participating in other activities for the day. I do hope you can understand us doing this much. As parents, you must be well aware of the special circυmstances in which students here are placed in our care.”

After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today.The piercing cry of a whistle then rang through the air.

After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today. So you all better be on your best goddamn behaviour. If I catch any of you giving so much as a hint using your goddamn eyes, I will be on your aѕs like white on rice! You hear me?! Don’t you dare cause a repeat of what happened last time. If any of you get any dumb ideas today, the training for all of you will be doubled!”

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core. So when they come to us here, we train them like troops. This way, when they leave our firm and guiding hands, they go out into the world as the thoughtful and sensible young adults they are meant to be.”


“Better? What the hell is better about that? It also means other people are coming in.” The first speaker said with a sneer. “That damn director of ours deceives people like those snakes pitching pyrаmid schemes, a damn near savant at selling pipedreams.”N/A

“Better? What the hell is better about that? It also means other people are coming in.” The first speaker said with a sneer. “That damn director of ours deceives people like those snakes pitching pyrаmid schemes, a damn near savant at selling pipedreams.”

Qin Mo did as instructed, his back as straight as a soldier’s. The news broadcast still played on the television in the screening room where they were currently eating breakfast that day.
As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

Qin Mo did as instructed, his back as straight as a soldier’s. The news broadcast still played on the television in the screening room where they were currently eating breakfast that day. Watching the rebroadcast of the prior night’s news and having random checks to make sure the students were watching was a regular activity after breakfast every day. If the student can’t answer, they will be made to run laps or do pushups as punishment. But compared to being punched and kicked during their training sessions, such punishments seemed insignificant.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.Qin Mo did as instructed, his back as straight as a soldier’s. The news broadcast still played on the television in the screening room where they were currently eating breakfast that day. Watching the rebroadcast of the prior night’s news and having random checks to make sure the students were watching was a regular activity after breakfast every day. If the student can’t answer, they will be made to run laps or do pushups as punishment. But compared to being punched and kicked during their training sessions, such punishments seemed insignificant.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions. We are certified by the Education Bureau itself, and we are the ones who bear the responsibility if someone in our care is harmed. But—it must be noted that as a military-styled institution, we do impose fitting punishments for bad behaviour, such as running laps or restricting them from participating in other activities for the day. I do hope you can understand us doing this much. As parents, you must be well aware of the special circυmstances in which students here are placed in our care.”

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”

{Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.}“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”

Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.
“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions. We are certified by the Education Bureau itself, and we are the ones who bear the responsibility if someone in our care is harmed. But—it must be noted that as a military-styled institution, we do impose fitting punishments for bad behaviour, such as running laps or restricting them from participating in other activities for the day. I do hope you can understand us doing this much. As parents, you must be well aware of the special circυmstances in which students here are placed in our care.”

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.

“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

{Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing?} This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing? This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!

“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”“Here, sir!” Shooting off of his seat, Qin Mo instinctively stood at attention.

“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright.
Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing? This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright. You can tell me honestly. Do they beat people here? Please don’t lie. I read many reports about places like these doing such things to kids, and it's what I’m afraid of the most. My daughter… She's not really a bad girl, but if nothing else works, she might have to be sent here. So, please, tell me the truth. I swear I won’t breathe a word of it to the director. I promise.”

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. {Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?}As the tubby man spoke, the group happened to pass by the resting Class 9, giving Qin Mo the chance to see a well-dressed and kind-looking woman frown as she asked, “Do you really follow military-styled management here? I heard that it’s common for schools like yours to beat people. Do you all—”

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

The piercing cry of a whistle then rang through the air.C12: Deception

The piercing cry of a whistle then rang through the air.

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”“Fυck off. I don’t like it, but I’m a freaking idiot.”

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”
Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright.Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright. You can tell me honestly. Do they beat people here? Please don’t lie. I read many reports about places like these doing such things to kids, and it's what I’m afraid of the most. My daughter… She's not really a bad girl, but if nothing else works, she might have to be sent here. So, please, tell me the truth. I swear I won’t breathe a word of it to the director. I promise.”

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright.Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”

Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright. You can tell me honestly. Do they beat people here? Please don’t lie. I read many reports about places like these doing such things to kids, and it's what I’m afraid of the most. My daughter… She's not really a bad girl, but if nothing else works, she might have to be sent here. So, please, tell me the truth. I swear I won’t breathe a word of it to the director. I promise.”

Of the inquisitive parents, a wealthy woman, in particular, had rushed over and taken Qin Mo by the hand, a kind look radiating from his face as she asked honestly, “Young man, can you tell me what things here are like?”
A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

Of the inquisitive parents, a wealthy woman, in particular, had rushed over and taken Qin Mo by the hand, a kind look radiating from his face as she asked honestly, “Young man, can you tell me what things here are like?”

“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions.Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions. We are certified by the Education Bureau itself, and we are the ones who bear the responsibility if someone in our care is harmed. But—it must be noted that as a military-styled institution, we do impose fitting punishments for bad behaviour, such as running laps or restricting them from participating in other activities for the day. I do hope you can understand us doing this much. As parents, you must be well aware of the special circυmstances in which students here are placed in our care.”

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”
“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity.So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

Every night, the instructors would check the number of people in each dorm room and lock the dormitory while taking guard shifts outside. The school was located on the outskirts, and it was impossible to get a taxi there; even seeing any cars was a rarity. What’s more, miles of the area surrounding the school were cleared out, so if you had no means of transportation, you’d get caught in no time at all.

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility.With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

The main gate of the school was almost a carbon copy of a prison’s. In addition, there were men standing guard twenty-four-seven, making breaking out from there a complete impossibility. Then there were sky-high fences topped off with coils of barbed wire. Luckily, they weren’t also electrified, but there were surveillance cameras stationed at every corner of the school with instructors there to monitor them in shifts. They may not be the kind to fully focus on their work, but they weren't blind either.

While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed.“His Excellency, the Premier, visited Country X and met with the President of Country X last evening. Upon meeting, the President of Country X highly praised the relationship of our country with their own before extending a warm welcome to His Excellency for his visit.” Qin Mo almost had the lines of the broadcast repeated word for word, disappointing Yang Fanghong once again. It was the result of Qin Mo’s multitasking skills. He was able to simultaneously receive multіple types of information and critically analyse both.

While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed. But presently, those jackets were fastened tіghtly, while sombre and upright expressions were plastered on their faces. Not a handcuff was in sight, nor were the batons they usually carried. The only thing hanging from their neat uniforms were whistles hung around their necks.

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.
A few of the parents really did go over to the group of kids and ask, and the answers they received were the same without exception: They don’t hit us. We might be a bit exhausted from the training here, but our instructors never beat us. Nothing like that happens here.

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.Without drawing attention to himself, Qin Mo observed the expressions of those around him and realised such threats were the norm.

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

“Atten-hut! Rest up. You got ten minutes!”

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today. So you all better be on your best goddamn behaviour. If I catch any of you giving so much as a hint using your goddamn eyes, I will be on your aѕs like white on rice! You hear me?! Don’t you dare cause a repeat of what happened last time. If any of you get any dumb ideas today, the training for all of you will be doubled!”

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.

Even though the place was a private academy and not a prison, it was still an incredibly difficult place to break out of.
Of the inquisitive parents, a wealthy woman, in particular, had rushed over and taken Qin Mo by the hand, a kind look radiating from his face as she asked honestly, “Young man, can you tell me what things here are like?”

Even though the place was a private academy and not a prison, it was still an incredibly difficult place to break out of.

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions. We are certified by the Education Bureau itself, and we are the ones who bear the responsibility if someone in our care is harmed. But—it must be noted that as a military-styled institution, we do impose fitting punishments for bad behaviour, such as running laps or restricting them from participating in other activities for the day. I do hope you can understand us doing this much. As parents, you must be well aware of the special circυmstances in which students here are placed in our care.”

A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside.“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.

Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core.With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core. So when they come to us here, we train them like troops. This way, when they leave our firm and guiding hands, they go out into the world as the thoughtful and sensible young adults they are meant to be.”

“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.
Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”

“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.

Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside.“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

“Better? What the hell is better about that? It also means other people are coming in.” The first speaker said with a sneer. “That damn director of ours deceives people like those snakes pitching pyrаmid schemes, a damn near savant at selling pipedreams.”While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed. But presently, those jackets were fastened tіghtly, while sombre and upright expressions were plastered on their faces. Not a handcuff was in sight, nor were the batons they usually carried. The only thing hanging from their neat uniforms were whistles hung around their necks.

“Better? What the hell is better about that? It also means other people are coming in.” The first speaker said with a sneer. “That damn director of ours deceives people like those snakes pitching pyrаmid schemes, a damn near savant at selling pipedreams.”

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

Qin Mo was stunned for a moment, but he managed to respond in a whisper, “They’re... not so bad.”

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”“Sit down!” Yang Fanghong bellowed with a snort.

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”

The piercing cry of a whistle then rang through the air.
Unfortunately, such an answer wasn’t enough. Throwing a glance at the director in the distance, the woman lowered her voice and asked again, “It’s alright. You can tell me honestly. Do they beat people here? Please don’t lie. I read many reports about places like these doing such things to kids, and it's what I’m afraid of the most. My daughter… She's not really a bad girl, but if nothing else works, she might have to be sent here. So, please, tell me the truth. I swear I won’t breathe a word of it to the director. I promise.”

The piercing cry of a whistle then rang through the air.

{Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.}The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core.“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core. So when they come to us here, we train them like troops. This way, when they leave our firm and guiding hands, they go out into the world as the thoughtful and sensible young adults they are meant to be.”

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core.N/A

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core. So when they come to us here, we train them like troops. This way, when they leave our firm and guiding hands, they go out into the world as the thoughtful and sensible young adults they are meant to be.”

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?
Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.N/A

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.“His Excellency, the Premier, visited Country X and met with the President of Country X last evening. Upon meeting, the President of Country X highly praised the relationship of our country with their own before extending a warm welcome to His Excellency for his visit.” Qin Mo almost had the lines of the broadcast repeated word for word, disappointing Yang Fanghong once again. It was the result of Qin Mo’s multitasking skills. He was able to simultaneously receive multіple types of information and critically analyse both.

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.

“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”
“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”

“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.

With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”
The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.

Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”

Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside.“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.

Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

{Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing?} This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!N/A

Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing? This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!

Putting aside his shock, Qin Mo followed the group and sat down in place. Just as they did, he caught sight of the tubby admissions director, jiggling beer belly in tow, bumbling down the stairs while wearing a huge grin as he accompanied a group of people.
“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”

Putting aside his shock, Qin Mo followed the group and sat down in place. Just as they did, he caught sight of the tubby admissions director, jiggling beer belly in tow, bumbling down the stairs while wearing a huge grin as he accompanied a group of people. As they all walked towards the sporting grounds, his thіck lips sputtered as he made his pitch: “As you see, all our facilities are not what you’d call cutting-edge, so they can be used to develop our students’ self-sufficiency. With military-styled management, they can blah blah blah…”

“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions.Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.

“Goodness! How could we even think of striking a child in our care?! These days, every child here is considered family—they are our treasures!” The director cut her off and lied without breaking a sweat. “We’re nothing like those other private institutions. We are certified by the Education Bureau itself, and we are the ones who bear the responsibility if someone in our care is harmed. But—it must be noted that as a military-styled institution, we do impose fitting punishments for bad behaviour, such as running laps or restricting them from participating in other activities for the day. I do hope you can understand us doing this much. As parents, you must be well aware of the special circυmstances in which students here are placed in our care.”

Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today. So you all better be on your best goddamn behaviour. If I catch any of you giving so much as a hint using your goddamn eyes, I will be on your aѕs like white on rice! You hear me?! Don’t you dare cause a repeat of what happened last time. If any of you get any dumb ideas today, the training for all of you will be doubled!”

Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.
“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.

Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.

Earnest and worry. For some reason, this woman’s gaze touched a place in Qin Mo’s heart that was long hidden and unknown, stirring a feeling of conflict and perhaps a bit of envy, too.

{Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing?} This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

Certified by the Education Bureau? Who the actual hell would believe such a thing? This was true, yet some of those parents would believe it; line, sinker and hook!

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”So with these troubles in mind, Qin Mo was in deep thought, going over every detail about the school in an attempt to concoct a thorough plan of escape. Since he decided he would break out of that place with Shen Zhuoyun, such a plan was no longer just a fantasy.

“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”

“Here, sir!” Shooting off of his seat, Qin Mo instinctively stood at attention.
“Oh, is that so? I’m sorry to trouble you, then.” With one last smile directed at Qin Mo, the woman turned away, planning to go speak to the director.

“Here, sir!” Shooting off of his seat, Qin Mo instinctively stood at attention.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. {Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?}After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.“Qin Mo!”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core.Yang Fanghong continued to select students at random, and upon failing, two boys got pushups as their punishment of choice. But what push-ups meant in that room was different from the ones given on the outside. As per the instructions of the instructors, the students had to be feet-up on the windowsill for these pushups. What’s more, the windows in the screening room were higher than average, so once up, the boys were practically upside down as they pushed their weight against the ground.

“That’s because we are training the children here to both endure hаrdships and foster a hаrd-working mindset. Kids these days are so spoiled by city life that they either turn into bad kids or end up spoiled rotten to the core. So when they come to us here, we train them like troops. This way, when they leave our firm and guiding hands, they go out into the world as the thoughtful and sensible young adults they are meant to be.”

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. {Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?}A few other parents seemed to also be in support of the strict but not violent teaching methods, and again, the director went on with his spiel.

When he heard the shout, Qin Mo thought his ears were broken. Rest? Rest up before even finishing five laps?

“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”
With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

“Thank you. Really. Thank you so much, young man.” The relieved woman kept hold of Qin Mo’s hand as she added, “My Niannian is a good kid in every way that counts. She’s just a bit too timid. So if you see her, please look out for her, alright?”

After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.“Ma’am…” Qin Mo started speaking but quickly noticed Yang Fanghong’s gaze pointing his way. Clenching his jaw, he then added, “We really don’t get beaten here.”

After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”
He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”

After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today.The conversing boys lowered their voices after this, so the eavesdropping Qin MO couldn't listen in any further.

After their allotted time in the screening room had ended, Yang Fanghong did not take them out to the grounds for their physical training as usual. Instead, he stood on the platform at the head of the room, flanked by two deputy instructors, and then announced loudly, “Parents will be visiting here today. So you all better be on your best goddamn behaviour. If I catch any of you giving so much as a hint using your goddamn eyes, I will be on your aѕs like white on rice! You hear me?! Don’t you dare cause a repeat of what happened last time. If any of you get any dumb ideas today, the training for all of you will be doubled!”

“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.
After their break was over, Qin Mo’s gaze was stuck on that woman. He watched as she smiled and nodded at the tubby man before vanishing beyond those towering gates. His hand started stinging. The place where that woman was held seemed to burn.

“Geez. Again and again, they’re always freaking coming.” Someone whispered in the crowd of running students, their tone clearly irritated.

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.

Yang Fanghong didn’t say anything unnecessary afterwards and ended his announcement with a few more words. He then led everyone outside to begin their training as usual.

“Qin Mo!”“What… Do you still have some strong sense of justice now? If you do, why not go be a Mr. Goody Two-shoes and expose the scheme, huh?”

“Qin Mo!”

“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”

“The living accommodations here don’t look too great either…”

It was at this point that Qin Mo finally understood what was happening. The parents who were coming—who came—were there to look into the “school” as an option. So everything about that day was just an act put on for those parents’ sake.
With a thwack, he slammed his own palm across his cheek, causing that place to now sting and burn.

It was at this point that Qin Mo finally understood what was happening. The parents who were coming—who came—were there to look into the “school” as an option. So everything about that day was just an act put on for those parents’ sake.

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”

“I’m sorry, ma’am, but the boys and girls here don’t get placed in the same classes.” Qin Mo’s head faced the ground as he added this in a muffled tone, but the woman seemed to notice anything about him that was amiss.

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”Another woman also asked, “My only concern is whether my child will be beaten. I have no issue with other forms of punishment. That kid of mine is quite tough, so some strict management and training will do them well. They’ll be able to not raise a ruckus during the day.”

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.While they ran, Qin Mo was made more aware of the difference between the present day and the past. Before, the male instructors would be dressed like soldiers, but their open jackets left their chеsts exposed. But presently, those jackets were fastened tіghtly, while sombre and upright expressions were plastered on their faces. Not a handcuff was in sight, nor were the batons they usually carried. The only thing hanging from their neat uniforms were whistles hung around their necks.

The woman’s quivering eyes calmed after hearing his words, further pronounced by a relieved sigh.

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.Of the inquisitive parents, a wealthy woman, in particular, had rushed over and taken Qin Mo by the hand, a kind look radiating from his face as she asked honestly, “Young man, can you tell me what things here are like?”

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.

“Better? What the hell is better about that? It also means other people are coming in.” The first speaker said with a sneer. “That damn director of ours deceives people like those snakes pitching pyrаmid schemes, a damn near savant at selling pipedreams.”
Qin Mo… you’re really… You really are fυcking trash.

“Better? What the hell is better about that? It also means other people are coming in.” The first speaker said with a sneer. “That damn director of ours deceives people like those snakes pitching pyrаmid schemes, a damn near savant at selling pipedreams.”

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.C12: Deception

“What was reported on the news just now?” Qin Mo could almost see the malice reflected in Yang Fanghong’s narrowed gaze.

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”Even during the run, no one was punched or kicked. The only reprimands came in the form of bellows. The female instructors also managed to display incredible acts of humanitarianism by allowing the girls experiencing special circυmstances to sit out the training and watch from the sidelines.

“But isn’t it better when they come? We get hit less than usual.”

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.With this, Qin Mo was no longer pinned down by Yang Fanghong’s gaze.

He opened his mouth, but none of what he wanted left his lips.

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”C12: Deception

“Our academy uses no acts of corporаl punishment—none at all! This much, I can personally assure you.” The tubby man swore to the interested parents with a smile, his plump fingers now pointing at the students on the field. “If you don’t believe me, you can ask the kids yourselves.”

Author's Note:




Updated every Friday. Raws: jjwxc

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