Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C14 - CN Translations
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Bad Boys Boot Camp: V1C14

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C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

This novel was posted on cntranslations [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.
Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.

In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”

In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.
Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

“I’m not pulling your leg.” Qin Mo straightened his face and stared at Shen Zhuoyun. “So long as it wasn't set up by an expert, hacking into a network like this is not going to be hаrd at all.”In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

“I’m not pulling your leg.” Qin Mo straightened his face and stared at Shen Zhuoyun. “So long as it wasn't set up by an expert, hacking into a network like this is not going to be hаrd at all.”

“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”

“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.

“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.
One afternoon, when Shen Zhuoyun arrived at the infirmary to check the class list, he was met by a Qin Mo sitting in front of the computer, his entire focus fixed on the screen.

“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.

“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link

“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.
Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback. With presses neither too heavy nor too light, his fingers fluttered across the keyboard, able to press each character while barely making a sound. In that quiet infirmary, where the sunlight slipped through the panes of dust-mottled glass, dancing fingers and focused eyes were entwined in a warm light, creating an oddly enthralling sight accompanied by the symphony of light taps.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child.Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link

In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child. Little by little, allowances and the like were given later and later. Then, after he married Su Wen, as many as six months had passed by without him giving Qin Mo a cent.

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”“Oh, I taught myself.” Even while he spoke, Qin Mo’s fingers maintained a modest pace. “I picked up a bit here and there while reading some books.”

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

N/ASo this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.


This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.
Stopping in his tracks, Shen Zhuoyun stood and stared at Qin Mo in a daze. It was as though the boy before him was not just typing away on the keyboard or sitting in some crаmped infirmary. He was instead the sole form at the centre of a grand stage whose fingers caressed the keys of a piano to the tune of Sunflower in the Rain.

This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.Wang Jun was in confinement with his injured hand, and the other boys who had only ever seen Shen Zhuoyun’s methods on that day were left scared shіtless long after the fact.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.“Oh, it’s nothing.” Qin Mo replied without much thought.

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.

As was their norm, Doctor Jiang gave them a slice of pineapple cake each before packing up her things to get off the clock as well.
He’s not supposed to be here. He shouldn’t be in a place like this. It’ll ruin him. As Shen Zhuoyun looked on at Qin Mo, such thoughts became all the more poignant.

As was their norm, Doctor Jiang gave them a slice of pineapple cake each before packing up her things to get off the clock as well.

One afternoon, when Shen Zhuoyun arrived at the infirmary to check the class list, he was met by a Qin Mo sitting in front of the computer, his entire focus fixed on the screen.“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.

One afternoon, when Shen Zhuoyun arrived at the infirmary to check the class list, he was met by a Qin Mo sitting in front of the computer, his entire focus fixed on the screen.

His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.“Oh, it’s nothing.” Qin Mo replied without much thought.

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?


Honestly, Qin Mo felt he should thank Qin Hongjun for this skill of his. After all, if not for that father of his, those skills would’ve never been at the level they currently are.Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

Honestly, Qin Mo felt he should thank Qin Hongjun for this skill of his. After all, if not for that father of his, those skills would’ve never been at the level they currently are.

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.
Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.

“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. {Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?}In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.After typing the final character from the notes, he suddenly recalled a question he wanted to ask and looked over to Doctor Jiang. “I wanted to ask earlier, but is there any internet access here?”

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

N/AHe’s not supposed to be here. He shouldn’t be in a place like this. It’ll ruin him. As Shen Zhuoyun looked on at Qin Mo, such thoughts became all the more poignant.


Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”
“Oh, I taught myself.” Even while he spoke, Qin Mo’s fingers maintained a modest pace. “I picked up a bit here and there while reading some books.”

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.

Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

“Um, it’s probably fifty-fifty,” Qin Mo replied.With the two now down the stairs and back at their dorms, it was inconvenient for them to discuss it further. So lowering his head closer to Qin Mo’s ear, Shen Zhuoyun whispered, “Don’t go to sleep tonight. We’ll find a place to talk about it when the lights go out.”

“Um, it’s probably fifty-fifty,” Qin Mo replied.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Qin Mo replied without much thought.This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Qin Mo replied without much thought.

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.
“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child.
“Um, it’s probably fifty-fifty,” Qin Mo replied.

In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child. Little by little, allowances and the like were given later and later. Then, after he married Su Wen, as many as six months had passed by without him giving Qin Mo a cent.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

{Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?}Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback. With presses neither too heavy nor too light, his fingers fluttered across the keyboard, able to press each character while barely making a sound. In that quiet infirmary, where the sunlight slipped through the panes of dust-mottled glass, dancing fingers and focused eyes were entwined in a warm light, creating an oddly enthralling sight accompanied by the symphony of light taps.

Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.

“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”
“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

He had no friends to speak of for so many years, and Shen Zhuoyun was the only one he could drop his guard around and treat casually. Even though they met in one of the worst of situations, he still wanted the other person to see him in a positive light, if only by a little, and not pity him that much.Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.

He had no friends to speak of for so many years, and Shen Zhuoyun was the only one he could drop his guard around and treat casually. Even though they met in one of the worst of situations, he still wanted the other person to see him in a positive light, if only by a little, and not pity him that much.

{Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?}Those years he spent struggling and nearing destitution were ones he wished for Shen Zhuoyun to never know.

Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. {Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?}So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.

Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.
“Oh, it’s nothing.” Qin Mo replied without much thought.

Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.

“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”As was their norm, Doctor Jiang gave them a slice of pineapple cake each before packing up her things to get off the clock as well.

“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child. Little by little, allowances and the like were given later and later. Then, after he married Su Wen, as many as six months had passed by without him giving Qin Mo a cent.

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

Wang Jun was in confinement with his injured hand, and the other boys who had only ever seen Shen Zhuoyun’s methods on that day were left scared shіtless long after the fact.
In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

Wang Jun was in confinement with his injured hand, and the other boys who had only ever seen Shen Zhuoyun’s methods on that day were left scared shіtless long after the fact.

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.Wang Jun was in confinement with his injured hand, and the other boys who had only ever seen Shen Zhuoyun’s methods on that day were left scared shіtless long after the fact.

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.

“I’m not pulling your leg.” Qin Mo straightened his face and stared at Shen Zhuoyun. “So long as it wasn't set up by an expert, hacking into a network like this is not going to be hаrd at all.”
Honestly, Qin Mo felt he should thank Qin Hongjun for this skill of his. After all, if not for that father of his, those skills would’ve never been at the level they currently are.

“I’m not pulling your leg.” Qin Mo straightened his face and stared at Shen Zhuoyun. “So long as it wasn't set up by an expert, hacking into a network like this is not going to be hаrd at all.”

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

Stopping in his tracks, Shen Zhuoyun stood and stared at Qin Mo in a daze. It was as though the boy before him was not just typing away on the keyboard or sitting in some crаmped infirmary. He was instead the sole form at the centre of a grand stage whose fingers caressed the keys of a piano to the tune of Sunflower in the Rain.
The first time he showed interest in computers was four years ago, after his mother had just passed away. During that time, Qin Hongjun was rarely at home, seeming to spend all his days and nights fooling around outside.

Stopping in his tracks, Shen Zhuoyun stood and stared at Qin Mo in a daze. It was as though the boy before him was not just typing away on the keyboard or sitting in some crаmped infirmary. He was instead the sole form at the centre of a grand stage whose fingers caressed the keys of a piano to the tune of Sunflower in the Rain.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well.“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.
In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child. Little by little, allowances and the like were given later and later. Then, after he married Su Wen, as many as six months had passed by without him giving Qin Mo a cent.

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.As was their norm, Doctor Jiang gave them a slice of pineapple cake each before packing up her things to get off the clock as well.

So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.
Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.

In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.
It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well.With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.Those years he spent struggling and nearing destitution were ones he wished for Shen Zhuoyun to never know.

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.

He’s not supposed to be here. He shouldn’t be in a place like this. It’ll ruin him. As Shen Zhuoyun looked on at Qin Mo, such thoughts became all the more poignant.
Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.

He’s not supposed to be here. He shouldn’t be in a place like this. It’ll ruin him. As Shen Zhuoyun looked on at Qin Mo, such thoughts became all the more poignant.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.
After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.

The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

The first time he showed interest in computers was four years ago, after his mother had just passed away. During that time, Qin Hongjun was rarely at home, seeming to spend all his days and nights fooling around outside.
Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

The first time he showed interest in computers was four years ago, after his mother had just passed away. During that time, Qin Hongjun was rarely at home, seeming to spend all his days and nights fooling around outside.

Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”
So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.

This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback.Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback. With presses neither too heavy nor too light, his fingers fluttered across the keyboard, able to press each character while barely making a sound. In that quiet infirmary, where the sunlight slipped through the panes of dust-mottled glass, dancing fingers and focused eyes were entwined in a warm light, creating an oddly enthralling sight accompanied by the symphony of light taps.

Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?
This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.

Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

{Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?}Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.
This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.After typing the final character from the notes, he suddenly recalled a question he wanted to ask and looked over to Doctor Jiang. “I wanted to ask earlier, but is there any internet access here?”

“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.

“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”

“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.

After typing the final character from the notes, he suddenly recalled a question he wanted to ask and looked over to Doctor Jiang. “I wanted to ask earlier, but is there any internet access here?”
He had no friends to speak of for so many years, and Shen Zhuoyun was the only one he could drop his guard around and treat casually. Even though they met in one of the worst of situations, he still wanted the other person to see him in a positive light, if only by a little, and not pity him that much.

After typing the final character from the notes, he suddenly recalled a question he wanted to ask and looked over to Doctor Jiang. “I wanted to ask earlier, but is there any internet access here?”

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?

Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

“Oh, I taught myself.” Even while he spoke, Qin Mo’s fingers maintained a modest pace. “I picked up a bit here and there while reading some books.”
Those years he spent struggling and nearing destitution were ones he wished for Shen Zhuoyun to never know.

“Oh, I taught myself.” Even while he spoke, Qin Mo’s fingers maintained a modest pace. “I picked up a bit here and there while reading some books.”

The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.
After typing the final character from the notes, he suddenly recalled a question he wanted to ask and looked over to Doctor Jiang. “I wanted to ask earlier, but is there any internet access here?”

“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.

Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.Shen Zhuoyun shooed away the peach-tinted thoughts filling his mind at their contact to ask, pleasantly surprised, “Are you a hacker?”

Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?

Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.

Even when his mother was still alive, Qin Hongjun had been with that Su Wen. Even before his mother’s bones were cold, Qin Hongjun had openly bought a house for Su Wen. Such a thing gave birth to Qin Mo’s rage, and was the reason he refused to lower his head and beg that man or whine to his grandfather for aid. So at times when cash was short, he would simply bear it and pinch every last dime.

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)
Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.

“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”
“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”

While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”
As was their norm, Doctor Jiang gave them a slice of pineapple cake each before packing up her things to get off the clock as well.

“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”

{Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?}It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

{Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?}Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.
While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”

“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.

He had no friends to speak of for so many years, and Shen Zhuoyun was the only one he could drop his guard around and treat casually. Even though they met in one of the worst of situations, he still wanted the other person to see him in a positive light, if only by a little, and not pity him that much.The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

He had no friends to speak of for so many years, and Shen Zhuoyun was the only one he could drop his guard around and treat casually. Even though they met in one of the worst of situations, he still wanted the other person to see him in a positive light, if only by a little, and not pity him that much.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.Honestly, Qin Mo felt he should thank Qin Hongjun for this skill of his. After all, if not for that father of his, those skills would’ve never been at the level they currently are.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.As was their norm, Doctor Jiang gave them a slice of pineapple cake each before packing up her things to get off the clock as well.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.
“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.
With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.

“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.

“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

{Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?}Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link

Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.
Shen Zhuoyun shooed away the peach-tinted thoughts filling his mind at their contact to ask, pleasantly surprised, “Are you a hacker?”

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.

Shen Zhuoyun shooed away the peach-tinted thoughts filling his mind at their contact to ask, pleasantly surprised, “Are you a hacker?”“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.

Shen Zhuoyun shooed away the peach-tinted thoughts filling his mind at their contact to ask, pleasantly surprised, “Are you a hacker?”

“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.
“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.

Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.

One afternoon, when Shen Zhuoyun arrived at the infirmary to check the class list, he was met by a Qin Mo sitting in front of the computer, his entire focus fixed on the screen.C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

One afternoon, when Shen Zhuoyun arrived at the infirmary to check the class list, he was met by a Qin Mo sitting in front of the computer, his entire focus fixed on the screen.

While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”Shen Zhuoyun shooed away the peach-tinted thoughts filling his mind at their contact to ask, pleasantly surprised, “Are you a hacker?”

While Qin Mo and Shen Zhuoyun walked back to their room, Qin Mo slowed his pace while leaning closer to the boy beside him to whisper, “This place has a LAN.”

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.

Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Qin Mo replied without much thought.
His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.

“Oh, it’s nothing.” Qin Mo replied without much thought.

{Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?}“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.

Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link
Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link

Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.

His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.“Fifty-fifty of what?” Shen Zhuoyun asked casually while looking over the form.

His hacking skills were honestly not as proficient as his progrаmming skills. The knowledge base required by hackers mostly involved acquiring tonnes of knowledge about network intrusion, and in this regard, he wasn’t as diligent in studying this nor its application. But for something as simple as an internal LAN, he could still try his hand at hacking into it.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well.
“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child.Stopping in his tracks, Shen Zhuoyun stood and stared at Qin Mo in a daze. It was as though the boy before him was not just typing away on the keyboard or sitting in some crаmped infirmary. He was instead the sole form at the centre of a grand stage whose fingers caressed the keys of a piano to the tune of Sunflower in the Rain.

In the time right after his mother’s passing, despite him always gallivanting about and engaging in wayward acts, Qin Hongjun still didn't forget to provide his son with living expenses. But after the passing of a year, it was evident he no longer held any concern for his child. Little by little, allowances and the like were given later and later. Then, after he married Su Wen, as many as six months had passed by without him giving Qin Mo a cent.

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

Honestly, Qin Mo felt he should thank Qin Hongjun for this skill of his. After all, if not for that father of his, those skills would’ve never been at the level they currently are.
“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.

Honestly, Qin Mo felt he should thank Qin Hongjun for this skill of his. After all, if not for that father of his, those skills would’ve never been at the level they currently are.

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.With the two now down the stairs and back at their dorms, it was inconvenient for them to discuss it further. So lowering his head closer to Qin Mo’s ear, Shen Zhuoyun whispered, “Don’t go to sleep tonight. We’ll find a place to talk about it when the lights go out.”

Doctor Jiang was also curious about his answer, so she poked her head out his way.

After typing the final character from the notes, he suddenly recalled a question he wanted to ask and looked over to Doctor Jiang. “I wanted to ask earlier, but is there any internet access here?”C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

After typing the final character from the notes, he suddenly recalled a question he wanted to ask and looked over to Doctor Jiang. “I wanted to ask earlier, but is there any internet access here?”

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”Despite knowing Qin Mo’s computing skill was limited to being described as "proficient," she still never imagined the godlike speed Qin Mo would use to type.

With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:
“I’m not pulling your leg.” Qin Mo straightened his face and stared at Shen Zhuoyun. “So long as it wasn't set up by an expert, hacking into a network like this is not going to be hаrd at all.”

The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.He had no friends to speak of for so many years, and Shen Zhuoyun was the only one he could drop his guard around and treat casually. Even though they met in one of the worst of situations, he still wanted the other person to see him in a positive light, if only by a little, and not pity him that much.

Every large-scale online game there had cheats, and the biggest sellers of such cheats were more speculators than expert progrаmmers, so the cheats they sold were bought from others, then sold to a large group of gamers for a profit.

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”Thankfully, the school he attended could be considered a semi-private institution, so a tuition card was used to deduct his tuition payments and other miscellaneous fees. So on that card was a large sum of money that his mother had deposited in one large lump sum.

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.With that ever-placid expression on his face, Qin Mo shot a glance at the one stuck to him, the faintest hint of his excitement bleeding through. “I can try sneaking into the surveillance room!”

In truth, his affinity for progrаmming was half genuine interest, while the other was born of dire need.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?
“Wait, you’re actually serious about this?” Shen Zhuoyun said with a chuckle.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?

This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.“Oh, I taught myself.” Even while he spoke, Qin Mo’s fingers maintained a modest pace. “I picked up a bit here and there while reading some books.”

This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.
“Yes. What reason do I have to lie?” Qin Mo replied with a sidelong glance.

But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.

Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?This unstable way of living of his had only come to an end two years from the present when his grandfather took him from his father to live with him instead.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.The first time he showed interest in computers was four years ago, after his mother had just passed away. During that time, Qin Hongjun was rarely at home, seeming to spend all his days and nights fooling around outside.

As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.
With the two now down the stairs and back at their dorms, it was inconvenient for them to discuss it further. So lowering his head closer to Qin Mo’s ear, Shen Zhuoyun whispered, “Don’t go to sleep tonight. We’ll find a place to talk about it when the lights go out.”

Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.

{Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?}Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback. With presses neither too heavy nor too light, his fingers fluttered across the keyboard, able to press each character while barely making a sound. In that quiet infirmary, where the sunlight slipped through the panes of dust-mottled glass, dancing fingers and focused eyes were entwined in a warm light, creating an oddly enthralling sight accompanied by the symphony of light taps.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

One afternoon, when Shen Zhuoyun arrived at the infirmary to check the class list, he was met by a Qin Mo sitting in front of the computer, his entire focus fixed on the screen.
The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

One afternoon, when Shen Zhuoyun arrived at the infirmary to check the class list, he was met by a Qin Mo sitting in front of the computer, his entire focus fixed on the screen.

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

“Qin Mo, who taught you how to code?” Shen Zhuoyun would obviously be aware of the stack of A4 filled with code Qin Mo kept under his pillow, and despite knowing little about the subject, he was still impressed by Qin Mo’s ability in the field. Sure, there were countless sixteen-year-olds exposed to computers, but how many of them would delve deeper into something like progrаmming?

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.Those years he spent struggling and nearing destitution were ones he wished for Shen Zhuoyun to never know.

This was the only reason he had no intention of saying a word to Shen Zhuoyun.

“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.
Where are you going to find one? Are we going to squat in the bathroom or something?

“Yeah. So what of it?” Seeing Qin Mo had leaned closer, Shen Zhuoyun slung his arm around Qin Mo’s shoulder to pull him closer. From the outside, they simply looked like the best of friends. The heart full of complex feelings and the head brimming with twisted thoughts were feelings that only Shen Zhuoyun was aware of, thus remaining unseen.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well.It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

It wasn’t as though he didn’t want to go out to earn his own wages at that time; he was just so young that no one wanted to hire him. He did also try selling random items on the street, but the city’s urban management officers were rather strict, so he had to abandon that avenue as well. So his only source of cash was the pocket money occasionally gifted by his grandfather. This was what he used to live on, spending it only on necessities and nothing more.

“Um, it’s probably fifty-fifty,” Qin Mo replied.
But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.

“Um, it’s probably fifty-fifty,” Qin Mo replied.

“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.

“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.

Shen Zhuoyun shooed away the peach-tinted thoughts filling his mind at their contact to ask, pleasantly surprised, “Are you a hacker?”“If nothing unexpected happens there, I can guarantee a 100% success rate.” Qin Mo added honestly.

Shen Zhuoyun shooed away the peach-tinted thoughts filling his mind at their contact to ask, pleasantly surprised, “Are you a hacker?”

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.
Anyhow, as the two had now arrived at their dorm room, they pushed the door open and entered. But, inside, everything was so eerily quiet you could hear a pin drop.

“Somewhat,” Qin Mo replied humbly after pondering over his answer for a moment.

N/A“Damn. You’re so awesome you can brag about it too, huh?” Shen Zhuoyun smirked, believing Qin Mo was bluffing.


“Oh, I taught myself.” Even while he spoke, Qin Mo’s fingers maintained a modest pace. “I picked up a bit here and there while reading some books.”As was their norm, Doctor Jiang gave them a slice of pineapple cake each before packing up her things to get off the clock as well.

“Oh, I taught myself.” Even while he spoke, Qin Mo’s fingers maintained a modest pace. “I picked up a bit here and there while reading some books.”

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”Doctor Jiang shook her head. “The school has jammers installed, and the computers here are only connected to a local area network (LAN).”

Shen Zhuoyun’s eyes swept over the eager boy in his arms, his lips tugging to reveal rows of white teeth. “Well, aren’t you just brimming with confidence?”

Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.“A LAN?” Qin Mo’s eyes lit up at her words, his lips also curling before he stood up and bid Doctor Jiang farewell. “We need to get back to our dorms now. See you.”

Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback.
Wang Jun was in confinement with his injured hand, and the other boys who had only ever seen Shen Zhuoyun’s methods on that day were left scared shіtless long after the fact.

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback. With presses neither too heavy nor too light, his fingers fluttered across the keyboard, able to press each character while barely making a sound. In that quiet infirmary, where the sunlight slipped through the panes of dust-mottled glass, dancing fingers and focused eyes were entwined in a warm light, creating an oddly enthralling sight accompanied by the symphony of light taps.

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback.C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback. With presses neither too heavy nor too light, his fingers fluttered across the keyboard, able to press each character while barely making a sound. In that quiet infirmary, where the sunlight slipped through the panes of dust-mottled glass, dancing fingers and focused eyes were entwined in a warm light, creating an oddly enthralling sight accompanied by the symphony of light taps.

Those years he spent struggling and nearing destitution were ones he wished for Shen Zhuoyun to never know.
As for Jiang Shao, he threw an eye at the two walking in and wearing bright smiles on their faces. He knew that bastard was pretending to be some model student again and had to curse about it in his heart.

Those years he spent struggling and nearing destitution were ones he wished for Shen Zhuoyun to never know.

With the two now down the stairs and back at their dorms, it was inconvenient for them to discuss it further. So lowering his head closer to Qin Mo’s ear, Shen Zhuoyun whispered, “Don’t go to sleep tonight. We’ll find a place to talk about it when the lights go out.”The spot where Shen Zhuoyun’s breath lingered tickled Qin Mo’s ear, making that place tingle, but he quickly pushed aside the feeling to wonder:

With the two now down the stairs and back at their dorms, it was inconvenient for them to discuss it further. So lowering his head closer to Qin Mo’s ear, Shen Zhuoyun whispered, “Don’t go to sleep tonight. We’ll find a place to talk about it when the lights go out.”

Stopping in his tracks, Shen Zhuoyun stood and stared at Qin Mo in a daze. It was as though the boy before him was not just typing away on the keyboard or sitting in some crаmped infirmary. He was instead the sole form at the centre of a grand stage whose fingers caressed the keys of a piano to the tune of Sunflower in the Rain.So this was Qin Mo’s in. He was the one who would craft the code based on these speculators’ requirements. Unfortunately, there was a heavy crackdown on cheats back then, resulting in the earnings he got from it not being that much. But this additional income stream was still enough for Qin Mo to use to support himself.

Stopping in his tracks, Shen Zhuoyun stood and stared at Qin Mo in a daze. It was as though the boy before him was not just typing away on the keyboard or sitting in some crаmped infirmary. He was instead the sole form at the centre of a grand stage whose fingers caressed the keys of a piano to the tune of Sunflower in the Rain.

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)Stopping in his tracks, Shen Zhuoyun stood and stared at Qin Mo in a daze. It was as though the boy before him was not just typing away on the keyboard or sitting in some crаmped infirmary. He was instead the sole form at the centre of a grand stage whose fingers caressed the keys of a piano to the tune of Sunflower in the Rain.

C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

Wang Jun was in confinement with his injured hand, and the other boys who had only ever seen Shen Zhuoyun’s methods on that day were left scared shіtless long after the fact.He had no friends to speak of for so many years, and Shen Zhuoyun was the only one he could drop his guard around and treat casually. Even though they met in one of the worst of situations, he still wanted the other person to see him in a positive light, if only by a little, and not pity him that much.

Wang Jun was in confinement with his injured hand, and the other boys who had only ever seen Shen Zhuoyun’s methods on that day were left scared shіtless long after the fact.

“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?
“Don’t forget, you hear?” Shen Zhuoyun took the chance to grasp Qin Mo’s hand before sprinting to the upper bunk.

“Oh, like a natural inclination?” Doctor Jiang suddenly recalled the numerous stories she had read of American teenagers who were so adept at computing they could even infiltrate the United States Department of Defense. Could Qin Mo also be one of those geniuses?

“I’m not pulling your leg.” Qin Mo straightened his face and stared at Shen Zhuoyun. “So long as it wasn't set up by an expert, hacking into a network like this is not going to be hаrd at all.”But instead of saying those snarky words out loud, Qin Mo simply nodded. Although Shen Zhuoyun gives off a frivolous attitude and seems like a swindler, he was quite a reliable person in truth. So if he says he would find a place, you could trust he would find it.

“I’m not pulling your leg.” Qin Mo straightened his face and stared at Shen Zhuoyun. “So long as it wasn't set up by an expert, hacking into a network like this is not going to be hаrd at all.”

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.The first time he showed interest in computers was four years ago, after his mother had just passed away. During that time, Qin Hongjun was rarely at home, seeming to spend all his days and nights fooling around outside.

After already showing interest in progrаmming, he happened upon a business opportunity in a forum for the subject that could earn some cash: making game cheats.

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback.Seeing this, for several consecutive afternoons, when he had nothing to do in the infirmary, Doctor Jiang would pull out her notes and ask Qin Mo to help type her dissertation. Or, instead of helping with her thesis, she would ask him to help her exchange emails with old alumni for any issues she had. All of which Qin Mo was able to complete at an incredibly fast speed.

Most people were accustomed to typing using either the Wubi (five-strоke character input) method or pinyin, so if they switched to using pure English, it would be natural for their typing speed to decrease a bit. But, for Qin Mo, who had been typing code for years, there was no such drawback. With presses neither too heavy nor too light, his fingers fluttered across the keyboard, able to press each character while barely making a sound. In that quiet infirmary, where the sunlight slipped through the panes of dust-mottled glass, dancing fingers and focused eyes were entwined in a warm light, creating an oddly enthralling sight accompanied by the symphony of light taps.

With the two now down the stairs and back at their dorms, it was inconvenient for them to discuss it further. So lowering his head closer to Qin Mo’s ear, Shen Zhuoyun whispered, “Don’t go to sleep tonight. We’ll find a place to talk about it when the lights go out.”
Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

With the two now down the stairs and back at their dorms, it was inconvenient for them to discuss it further. So lowering his head closer to Qin Mo’s ear, Shen Zhuoyun whispered, “Don’t go to sleep tonight. We’ll find a place to talk about it when the lights go out.”

{Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?}C14: Local Area Network (LAN)

Hold on, why does this feel really... nice?

Author's Note:



Note: Sunflower in the Rain (雨葵) is a musical score composed by the pianist Shi Jin (石进). YT Link

Updated every Friday. Raws: jjwxc

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