Childhood Chronicles: C09 - CN Translations
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Childhood Chronicles: C09

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09: Fight

This novel was posted on cntranslationss [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

From a young age, Zhou Ni had always been highly ambitious. From school to the workplace, there was nothing she set her mind to that she couldn't achieve. So in the end, she managed to gently persuade Ye Chenghui into buying a new house without hurting their relationship. Although she could have paid the full amount upfront in cash, to consider his feelings, she decided to share the down payment with her husband so they could slowly pay off the mortgage together.


09: Fight“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper. His face was expressionless as usual, and his sharp jawline made him look a bit stern. Ye Cheng, chin in hand, was already losing interest. Soon, his gaze drifted from the paper to Gu Shaofan’s face and then wandered around the classroom. The other students were busy comparing their answers, as well, with the top performers surrounded by small groups.

09: Fight

The killing power within those words was extraordinary, to say the least, able to bind all three pairs of those little brows into a frown in an instant. The consequences of Ye Chenghui finding out about this incident made Ye Cheng shiver.When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

The killing power within those words was extraordinary, to say the least, able to bind all three pairs of those little brows into a frown in an instant. The consequences of Ye Chenghui finding out about this incident made Ye Cheng shiver. His face had screwed up so tightly that it looked like he was close to tears. After stewing in his fear for a while, he spoke up softly in the end to say, “Miss, I... I don’t really know what happened. I was just discussing the exam with Gu Shaofan when Tao Lu suddenly started cursing us.”

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper.In response, Ye Cheng pursed his lips and shook his head, but the entire image he gave off was still that of a small animal pleading for a comforting hug. The pang of sadness shot through Gu Shaofan's heart like a bullet at this sight, but he had no idea how he should react.

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper. His face was expressionless as usual, and his sharp jawline made him look a bit stern. Ye Cheng, chin in hand, was already losing interest. Soon, his gaze drifted from the paper to Gu Shaofan’s face and then wandered around the classroom. The other students were busy comparing their answers, as well, with the top performers surrounded by small groups.

Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math.
Of course, Ye Cheng wasn’t aware of these details. All he knew was that they were moving to a new house. For a boy so young, it was obviously a big deal, so naturally, he eagerly told Gu Shaofan all about it.

Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math. In a fifth-grade class where most students were scoring above eighty-five, Ye Cheng had just barely scraped by with an eighty. It was something Ye Chenghui had scolded him several times for, especially worded problems, which made his head seriously hurt.

{How soft.}So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.

How soft.

Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math. In a fifth-grade class where most students were scoring above eighty-five, Ye Cheng had just barely scraped by with an eighty. It was something Ye Chenghui had scolded him several times for, especially worded problems, which made his head seriously hurt.

Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.

What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.
"The Licheng Estate?" Gu Shaofan felt like the name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. He stared at Ye Cheng’s excited eyes, thinking for a moment but still drawing a blank.

What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.

Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.

Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.

What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.

The former camaraderie between them had long since dried up, and Ye Cheng wasn’t about to let it slide. With a smug grin, he shot back at the smug face in front of him, "Are you better-looking than Gu Shaofan? Do you score higher than him? So if you’re not jealous of him, do you think he's jealous of you, then?"Unable to stand it, Tao Lu snapped his head around and glared at Ye Cheng as if to say, “What kind of act is this?!” before shouting, “Miss, he’s lying!” in his defence.

The former camaraderie between them had long since dried up, and Ye Cheng wasn’t about to let it slide. With a smug grin, he shot back at the smug face in front of him, "Are you better-looking than Gu Shaofan? Do you score higher than him? So if you’re not jealous of him, do you think he's jealous of you, then?"

The killing power within those words was extraordinary, to say the least, able to bind all three pairs of those little brows into a frown in an instant. The consequences of Ye Chenghui finding out about this incident made Ye Cheng shiver.
Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”

The killing power within those words was extraordinary, to say the least, able to bind all three pairs of those little brows into a frown in an instant. The consequences of Ye Chenghui finding out about this incident made Ye Cheng shiver. His face had screwed up so tightly that it looked like he was close to tears. After stewing in his fear for a while, he spoke up softly in the end to say, “Miss, I... I don’t really know what happened. I was just discussing the exam with Gu Shaofan when Tao Lu suddenly started cursing us.”

“Really? He just turned around and started cursing you two, just like that?” Miss Sun asked, clearly sceptical.Tao Lu and Gu Shaofan had barely spoken to each other, and the two times Gu Shaofan had addressed him had both been in a commanding tone. It made Tao Lu feel all the more affronted. As for Ye Cheng, seeing Gu Shaofan’s protective stance, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. He was also bad at hiding his emotions, so his smugness was written all over his face.

“Really? He just turned around and started cursing you two, just like that?” Miss Sun asked, clearly sceptical.

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”Tch.

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”

“When are you moving?” Gu Shaofan asked.


{Tch.}Miss Sun raised an eyebrow at the other boy's outcry, saying, “You had your chance to explain, Tao Lu, and now it’s Ye Cheng’s.”


“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. {Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?}But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?

Tao Lu and Gu Shaofan had barely spoken to each other, and the two times Gu Shaofan had addressed him had both been in a commanding tone. It made Tao Lu feel all the more affronted. As for Ye Cheng, seeing Gu Shaofan’s protective stance, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. He was also bad at hiding his emotions, so his smugness was written all over his face.
Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”

Tao Lu and Gu Shaofan had barely spoken to each other, and the two times Gu Shaofan had addressed him had both been in a commanding tone. It made Tao Lu feel all the more affronted. As for Ye Cheng, seeing Gu Shaofan’s protective stance, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. He was also bad at hiding his emotions, so his smugness was written all over his face.

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."Her class was not in the highest ranks of the school, but she did pride herself on her class never having incidents and fights breaking out. Even a short while ago, she had gushed about the students in her class being well-behaved to the other homeroom teachers. So it was beyond embarrassing to have such an incident take place less than fifteen minutes later.

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. {Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?}Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?

Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.
Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math. In a fifth-grade class where most students were scoring above eighty-five, Ye Cheng had just barely scraped by with an eighty. It was something Ye Chenghui had scolded him several times for, especially worded problems, which made his head seriously hurt.

Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.

When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard."So you're going to remain quiet, is that it?" Miss Sun sneered at their reactions. "Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll just call your parents then."

When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.
Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.

Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.

Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"

In response, Ye Cheng pursed his lips and shook his head, but the entire image he gave off was still that of a small animal pleading for a comforting hug. The pang of sadness shot through Gu Shaofan's heart like a bullet at this sight, but he had no idea how he should react.
“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper. His face was expressionless as usual, and his sharp jawline made him look a bit stern. Ye Cheng, chin in hand, was already losing interest. Soon, his gaze drifted from the paper to Gu Shaofan’s face and then wandered around the classroom. The other students were busy comparing their answers, as well, with the top performers surrounded by small groups.

In response, Ye Cheng pursed his lips and shook his head, but the entire image he gave off was still that of a small animal pleading for a comforting hug. The pang of sadness shot through Gu Shaofan's heart like a bullet at this sight, but he had no idea how he should react.

But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”

But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"

Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”“Really? He just turned around and started cursing you two, just like that?” Miss Sun asked, clearly sceptical.

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”

“Really? He just turned around and started cursing you two, just like that?” Miss Sun asked, clearly sceptical.

“Really? He just turned around and started cursing you two, just like that?” Miss Sun asked, clearly sceptical.

Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”

Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”
Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”The former camaraderie between them had long since dried up, and Ye Cheng wasn’t about to let it slide. With a smug grin, he shot back at the smug face in front of him, "Are you better-looking than Gu Shaofan? Do you score higher than him? So if you’re not jealous of him, do you think he's jealous of you, then?"

Having been somewhat ostracised from the class for a while, Ye Cheng wasn’t in the best mood either. He turned back to Gu Shaofan with a mischievous smirk and suddenly blurted out, “You know, I think they’re just jealous of you.”

So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.
Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.

Ye Cheng then continued in a sniffling tone, "Miss, I acted badly before, too. Because Tao Lu said those things, I also said some things in return, and after that... the fight just started."
Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

Ye Cheng then continued in a sniffling tone, "Miss, I acted badly before, too. Because Tao Lu said those things, I also said some things in return, and after that... the fight just started."

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"
The former camaraderie between them had long since dried up, and Ye Cheng wasn’t about to let it slide. With a smug grin, he shot back at the smug face in front of him, "Are you better-looking than Gu Shaofan? Do you score higher than him? So if you’re not jealous of him, do you think he's jealous of you, then?"

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.

Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”
In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged. Their table was always one of the most noticeable in class, so this exchange quickly drew everyone’s attention. After the last humiliating incident, Tao Lu was determined not to lose face again, so he shouted, “Liar! You’re lying!” and instinctively reached out to shove Ye Cheng, but Gu Shaofan intercepted him midway.

Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”

N/AHow soft.


From a young age, Zhou Ni had always been highly ambitious. From school to the workplace, there was nothing she set her mind to that she couldn't achieve.
With his small, stern face furrowed in a frown, Gu Shaofan suddenly seemed rather intimidating as he spat coldly, “Don’t touch him.”

From a young age, Zhou Ni had always been highly ambitious. From school to the workplace, there was nothing she set her mind to that she couldn't achieve. So in the end, she managed to gently persuade Ye Chenghui into buying a new house without hurting their relationship. Although she could have paid the full amount upfront in cash, to consider his feelings, she decided to share the down payment with her husband so they could slowly pay off the mortgage together.

Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.A crowd of students circling a corner by the window was the scene before she arrived. When those saw the class monitor rush back, whispers of "Miss is here!" and "Stop fighting!" gradually grew in number while they scattered like ants.

Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.

So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?
Tao Lu and Gu Shaofan had barely spoken to each other, and the two times Gu Shaofan had addressed him had both been in a commanding tone. It made Tao Lu feel all the more affronted. As for Ye Cheng, seeing Gu Shaofan’s protective stance, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. He was also bad at hiding his emotions, so his smugness was written all over his face.

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.

Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.
“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"

Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.

Sweeping her gaze over Ye Cheng, Gu Shaofan, and Tao Lu standing in a row, all dirty and dishevelled—clearly showing they were in a scuffle—she asked, “Do you have any idea how bad this looks? Do you realise the consequences something like this will have?" Miss Sun's voice was low and stern as her fingers tapped against the table. "So now, right now, tell me exactly what happened?”"So you're going to remain quiet, is that it?" Miss Sun sneered at their reactions. "Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll just call your parents then."

Sweeping her gaze over Ye Cheng, Gu Shaofan, and Tao Lu standing in a row, all dirty and dishevelled—clearly showing they were in a scuffle—she asked, “Do you have any idea how bad this looks? Do you realise the consequences something like this will have?" Miss Sun's voice was low and stern as her fingers tapped against the table. "So now, right now, tell me exactly what happened?”

So, grabbing Gu Shaofan by the arm, he whispered for him to quickly let the other boy go, and after pausing for a bit, Gu Shaofan then loosened his hold. This was all Tao Lu needed to break free, as he was holding back his strength. The second Gu Shaofan's grip loosened, that boy took the chance to shove Gu Shaofan's chest with both hands.Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.

So, grabbing Gu Shaofan by the arm, he whispered for him to quickly let the other boy go, and after pausing for a bit, Gu Shaofan then loosened his hold. This was all Tao Lu needed to break free, as he was holding back his strength. The second Gu Shaofan's grip loosened, that boy took the chance to shove Gu Shaofan's chest with both hands.

Unable to stand it, Tao Lu snapped his head around and glared at Ye Cheng as if to say, “What kind of act is this?!” before shouting, “Miss, he’s lying!” in his defence.
The first profane word to ever cross Tao Lu's lips was now credited to Ye Cheng and Gu Shaofan in this way.

Unable to stand it, Tao Lu snapped his head around and glared at Ye Cheng as if to say, “What kind of act is this?!” before shouting, “Miss, he’s lying!” in his defence.

But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"How soft.

But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"

The former camaraderie between them had long since dried up, and Ye Cheng wasn’t about to let it slide. With a smug grin, he shot back at the smug face in front of him, "Are you better-looking than Gu Shaofan? Do you score higher than him? So if you’re not jealous of him, do you think he's jealous of you, then?"
Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.

The former camaraderie between them had long since dried up, and Ye Cheng wasn’t about to let it slide. With a smug grin, he shot back at the smug face in front of him, "Are you better-looking than Gu Shaofan? Do you score higher than him? So if you’re not jealous of him, do you think he's jealous of you, then?"

With his small, stern face furrowed in a frown, Gu Shaofan suddenly seemed rather intimidating as he spat coldly, “Don’t touch him.”
Shocked, Ye Cheng madly grabbed Tao Lu by any part he could to help wrench him off Gu Shaofan. But Tao Lu didn't so much as turn his head despite Ye Cheng's tugging and shoved the other boy away without a second thought. The falling Ye Cheng stumbled back and hit his leg on his desk, causing a bolt of pain. But the new angle also allowed him to deliver a kick directly on Tao Lu's buttocks, leaving a black shoeprint to mark the spot. It also enraged Tao Lu enough to make him turn to Ye Cheng's direction to attack, but before that boy could touch Ye Cheng, a hand gripped his neck and wrenched it back until it would almost snap.

With his small, stern face furrowed in a frown, Gu Shaofan suddenly seemed rather intimidating as he spat coldly, “Don’t touch him.”

Shocked, Ye Cheng madly grabbed Tao Lu by any part he could to help wrench him off Gu Shaofan. But Tao Lu didn't so much as turn his head despite Ye Cheng's tugging and shoved the other boy away without a second thought.Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.

Shocked, Ye Cheng madly grabbed Tao Lu by any part he could to help wrench him off Gu Shaofan. But Tao Lu didn't so much as turn his head despite Ye Cheng's tugging and shoved the other boy away without a second thought. The falling Ye Cheng stumbled back and hit his leg on his desk, causing a bolt of pain. But the new angle also allowed him to deliver a kick directly on Tao Lu's buttocks, leaving a black shoeprint to mark the spot. It also enraged Tao Lu enough to make him turn to Ye Cheng's direction to attack, but before that boy could touch Ye Cheng, a hand gripped his neck and wrenched it back until it would almost snap.

Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.
The scene quickly descended into chaos, and their classmates all gathered around, shouting for them to stop their fight. They cried this, yet most were still happily enjoying the show. No one dared step in to break it up, except for Liu Qin. The boy wanted to jump in to help his friend, but every time he tried, he was shoved away by a bandaged hand or a stray kick, so he could only stand stuck to the nearby wall.

Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.

“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.

“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.

At least that was what a fool would say.The killing power within those words was extraordinary, to say the least, able to bind all three pairs of those little brows into a frown in an instant. The consequences of Ye Chenghui finding out about this incident made Ye Cheng shiver. His face had screwed up so tightly that it looked like he was close to tears. After stewing in his fear for a while, he spoke up softly in the end to say, “Miss, I... I don’t really know what happened. I was just discussing the exam with Gu Shaofan when Tao Lu suddenly started cursing us.”

At least that was what a fool would say.

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math. In a fifth-grade class where most students were scoring above eighty-five, Ye Cheng had just barely scraped by with an eighty. It was something Ye Chenghui had scolded him several times for, especially worded problems, which made his head seriously hurt.

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper.
Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper. His face was expressionless as usual, and his sharp jawline made him look a bit stern. Ye Cheng, chin in hand, was already losing interest. Soon, his gaze drifted from the paper to Gu Shaofan’s face and then wandered around the classroom. The other students were busy comparing their answers, as well, with the top performers surrounded by small groups.

Shocked, Ye Cheng madly grabbed Tao Lu by any part he could to help wrench him off Gu Shaofan. But Tao Lu didn't so much as turn his head despite Ye Cheng's tugging and shoved the other boy away without a second thought.Ye Cheng only heard a crash as Gu Shaofan’s desk toppled over, dragging Tao Lu with it as it crashed onto him. Before he could react, the other boy had pounced. At first, Gu Shaofan had planned to cleverly flip himself over, but the literal turn of the tables left him a bit stuck. Such a position also left his chest in the open and practically sunken into by Tao Lu as he lay flat.

Shocked, Ye Cheng madly grabbed Tao Lu by any part he could to help wrench him off Gu Shaofan. But Tao Lu didn't so much as turn his head despite Ye Cheng's tugging and shoved the other boy away without a second thought. The falling Ye Cheng stumbled back and hit his leg on his desk, causing a bolt of pain. But the new angle also allowed him to deliver a kick directly on Tao Lu's buttocks, leaving a black shoeprint to mark the spot. It also enraged Tao Lu enough to make him turn to Ye Cheng's direction to attack, but before that boy could touch Ye Cheng, a hand gripped his neck and wrenched it back until it would almost snap.

Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.Unable to stand it, Tao Lu snapped his head around and glared at Ye Cheng as if to say, “What kind of act is this?!” before shouting, “Miss, he’s lying!” in his defence.

Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.

Thus, in the end, despite all three being tasked with writing apologies, only Tao Lu’s parents were called in.A crowd of students circling a corner by the window was the scene before she arrived. When those saw the class monitor rush back, whispers of "Miss is here!" and "Stop fighting!" gradually grew in number while they scattered like ants.

Thus, in the end, despite all three being tasked with writing apologies, only Tao Lu’s parents were called in.

A crowd of students circling a corner by the window was the scene before she arrived. When those saw the class monitor rush back, whispers of "Miss is here!" and "Stop fighting!" gradually grew in number while they scattered like ants.


How soft.
When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

How soft.

"The Licheng Estate?" Gu Shaofan felt like the name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. He stared at Ye Cheng’s excited eyes, thinking for a moment but still drawing a blank.
When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?

"The Licheng Estate?" Gu Shaofan felt like the name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. He stared at Ye Cheng’s excited eyes, thinking for a moment but still drawing a blank.

Sweeping her gaze over Ye Cheng, Gu Shaofan, and Tao Lu standing in a row, all dirty and dishevelled—clearly showing they were in a scuffle—she asked, “Do you have any idea how bad this looks? Do you realise the consequences something like this will have?" Miss Sun's voice was low and stern as her fingers tapped against the table. "So now, right now, tell me exactly what happened?”
So, grabbing Gu Shaofan by the arm, he whispered for him to quickly let the other boy go, and after pausing for a bit, Gu Shaofan then loosened his hold. This was all Tao Lu needed to break free, as he was holding back his strength. The second Gu Shaofan's grip loosened, that boy took the chance to shove Gu Shaofan's chest with both hands.

Sweeping her gaze over Ye Cheng, Gu Shaofan, and Tao Lu standing in a row, all dirty and dishevelled—clearly showing they were in a scuffle—she asked, “Do you have any idea how bad this looks? Do you realise the consequences something like this will have?" Miss Sun's voice was low and stern as her fingers tapped against the table. "So now, right now, tell me exactly what happened?”

What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?

What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.

Her class was not in the highest ranks of the school, but she did pride herself on her class never having incidents and fights breaking out. Even a short while ago, she had gushed about the students in her class being well-behaved to the other homeroom teachers. So it was beyond embarrassing to have such an incident take place less than fifteen minutes later.
Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.

Her class was not in the highest ranks of the school, but she did pride herself on her class never having incidents and fights breaking out. Even a short while ago, she had gushed about the students in her class being well-behaved to the other homeroom teachers. So it was beyond embarrassing to have such an incident take place less than fifteen minutes later.

"So you're going to remain quiet, is that it?" Miss Sun sneered at their reactions. "Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll just call your parents then."In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged. Their table was always one of the most noticeable in class, so this exchange quickly drew everyone’s attention. After the last humiliating incident, Tao Lu was determined not to lose face again, so he shouted, “Liar! You’re lying!” and instinctively reached out to shove Ye Cheng, but Gu Shaofan intercepted him midway.

"So you're going to remain quiet, is that it?" Miss Sun sneered at their reactions. "Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll just call your parents then."

Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.How soft.

Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"


“When are you moving?” Gu Shaofan asked.
“What happened? Tell me right this instant.”The three were carted away to the office, where they were now under Miss Sun's harsh gaze. The woman was furious.

“When are you moving?” Gu Shaofan asked.

Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math.With his small, stern face furrowed in a frown, Gu Shaofan suddenly seemed rather intimidating as he spat coldly, “Don’t touch him.”

Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math. In a fifth-grade class where most students were scoring above eighty-five, Ye Cheng had just barely scraped by with an eighty. It was something Ye Chenghui had scolded him several times for, especially worded problems, which made his head seriously hurt.

Miss Sun raised an eyebrow at the other boy's outcry, saying, “You had your chance to explain, Tao Lu, and now it’s Ye Cheng’s.”“Really? He just turned around and started cursing you two, just like that?” Miss Sun asked, clearly sceptical.

Miss Sun raised an eyebrow at the other boy's outcry, saying, “You had your chance to explain, Tao Lu, and now it’s Ye Cheng’s.”

In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged.
Her class was not in the highest ranks of the school, but she did pride herself on her class never having incidents and fights breaking out. Even a short while ago, she had gushed about the students in her class being well-behaved to the other homeroom teachers. So it was beyond embarrassing to have such an incident take place less than fifteen minutes later.

In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged. Their table was always one of the most noticeable in class, so this exchange quickly drew everyone’s attention. After the last humiliating incident, Tao Lu was determined not to lose face again, so he shouted, “Liar! You’re lying!” and instinctively reached out to shove Ye Cheng, but Gu Shaofan intercepted him midway.

In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged.Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged. Their table was always one of the most noticeable in class, so this exchange quickly drew everyone’s attention. After the last humiliating incident, Tao Lu was determined not to lose face again, so he shouted, “Liar! You’re lying!” and instinctively reached out to shove Ye Cheng, but Gu Shaofan intercepted him midway.

A crowd of students circling a corner by the window was the scene before she arrived. When those saw the class monitor rush back, whispers of "Miss is here!" and "Stop fighting!" gradually grew in number while they scattered like ants.
Sweeping her gaze over Ye Cheng, Gu Shaofan, and Tao Lu standing in a row, all dirty and dishevelled—clearly showing they were in a scuffle—she asked, “Do you have any idea how bad this looks? Do you realise the consequences something like this will have?" Miss Sun's voice was low and stern as her fingers tapped against the table. "So now, right now, tell me exactly what happened?”

A crowd of students circling a corner by the window was the scene before she arrived. When those saw the class monitor rush back, whispers of "Miss is here!" and "Stop fighting!" gradually grew in number while they scattered like ants.

N/A09: Fight


Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.With his small, stern face furrowed in a frown, Gu Shaofan suddenly seemed rather intimidating as he spat coldly, “Don’t touch him.”

Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.

Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”

Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”

Shocked, Ye Cheng madly grabbed Tao Lu by any part he could to help wrench him off Gu Shaofan. But Tao Lu didn't so much as turn his head despite Ye Cheng's tugging and shoved the other boy away without a second thought.
Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.

Shocked, Ye Cheng madly grabbed Tao Lu by any part he could to help wrench him off Gu Shaofan. But Tao Lu didn't so much as turn his head despite Ye Cheng's tugging and shoved the other boy away without a second thought. The falling Ye Cheng stumbled back and hit his leg on his desk, causing a bolt of pain. But the new angle also allowed him to deliver a kick directly on Tao Lu's buttocks, leaving a black shoeprint to mark the spot. It also enraged Tao Lu enough to make him turn to Ye Cheng's direction to attack, but before that boy could touch Ye Cheng, a hand gripped his neck and wrenched it back until it would almost snap.

Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math.N/A

Primary school courses weren’t too difficult, but Ye Cheng was already showing signs of favouring certain subjects. When the monthly exam results came back, his Chinese scores were clearly much better than his math. In a fifth-grade class where most students were scoring above eighty-five, Ye Cheng had just barely scraped by with an eighty. It was something Ye Chenghui had scolded him several times for, especially worded problems, which made his head seriously hurt.

Her class was not in the highest ranks of the school, but she did pride herself on her class never having incidents and fights breaking out. Even a short while ago, she had gushed about the students in her class being well-behaved to the other homeroom teachers. So it was beyond embarrassing to have such an incident take place less than fifteen minutes later.Her class was not in the highest ranks of the school, but she did pride herself on her class never having incidents and fights breaking out. Even a short while ago, she had gushed about the students in her class being well-behaved to the other homeroom teachers. So it was beyond embarrassing to have such an incident take place less than fifteen minutes later.

Her class was not in the highest ranks of the school, but she did pride herself on her class never having incidents and fights breaking out. Even a short while ago, she had gushed about the students in her class being well-behaved to the other homeroom teachers. So it was beyond embarrassing to have such an incident take place less than fifteen minutes later.

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."
"So you're going to remain quiet, is that it?" Miss Sun sneered at their reactions. "Fine. If you won't tell me, I'll just call your parents then."

Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”“When are you moving?” Gu Shaofan asked.

Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”

Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.

Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.

Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.
The killing power within those words was extraordinary, to say the least, able to bind all three pairs of those little brows into a frown in an instant. The consequences of Ye Chenghui finding out about this incident made Ye Cheng shiver. His face had screwed up so tightly that it looked like he was close to tears. After stewing in his fear for a while, he spoke up softly in the end to say, “Miss, I... I don’t really know what happened. I was just discussing the exam with Gu Shaofan when Tao Lu suddenly started cursing us.”

Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

{Tch.}Ye Cheng then continued in a sniffling tone, "Miss, I acted badly before, too. Because Tao Lu said those things, I also said some things in return, and after that... the fight just started."


Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

Miss Sun raised an eyebrow at the other boy's outcry, saying, “You had your chance to explain, Tao Lu, and now it’s Ye Cheng’s.”“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.

Miss Sun raised an eyebrow at the other boy's outcry, saying, “You had your chance to explain, Tao Lu, and now it’s Ye Cheng’s.”

Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”
“Really? He just turned around and started cursing you two, just like that?” Miss Sun asked, clearly sceptical.

Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”

At least that was what a fool would say.The former camaraderie between them had long since dried up, and Ye Cheng wasn’t about to let it slide. With a smug grin, he shot back at the smug face in front of him, "Are you better-looking than Gu Shaofan? Do you score higher than him? So if you’re not jealous of him, do you think he's jealous of you, then?"

At least that was what a fool would say.

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. {Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?}Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

When Ye Cheng, who was still launching sneak attacks on Tao Lu, noticed the echoes saying their teacher was on her way, he realised the scene of Tao Lu being pinned down was not a good look. Doesn't this make it look like that guy was the one being picked on?

The scene quickly descended into chaos, and their classmates all gathered around, shouting for them to stop their fight. They cried this, yet most were still happily enjoying the show.
“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.

The scene quickly descended into chaos, and their classmates all gathered around, shouting for them to stop their fight. They cried this, yet most were still happily enjoying the show. No one dared step in to break it up, except for Liu Qin. The boy wanted to jump in to help his friend, but every time he tried, he was shoved away by a bandaged hand or a stray kick, so he could only stand stuck to the nearby wall.

Unable to stand it, Tao Lu snapped his head around and glared at Ye Cheng as if to say, “What kind of act is this?!” before shouting, “Miss, he’s lying!” in his defence.Thus, in the end, despite all three being tasked with writing apologies, only Tao Lu’s parents were called in.

Unable to stand it, Tao Lu snapped his head around and glared at Ye Cheng as if to say, “What kind of act is this?!” before shouting, “Miss, he’s lying!” in his defence.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.Tch.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged.At least that was what a fool would say.

In direct opposition to the proverb: hit, but never slap in the face; curse, but never air out another's shortcomings, Ye Cheng's words were spat to hit a low and direct blow. Ye Cheng had unknowingly touched on Tao Lu’s little secret insecurity, and Tao Lu was now enraged. Their table was always one of the most noticeable in class, so this exchange quickly drew everyone’s attention. After the last humiliating incident, Tao Lu was determined not to lose face again, so he shouted, “Liar! You’re lying!” and instinctively reached out to shove Ye Cheng, but Gu Shaofan intercepted him midway.

Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.
Unable to stand it, Tao Lu snapped his head around and glared at Ye Cheng as if to say, “What kind of act is this?!” before shouting, “Miss, he’s lying!” in his defence.

Tao Lu shoving Gu Shaofan so hard he fell, with Ye Cheng beneath him. This was the scene on display for Miss Sun, who had now arrived.

But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"
Miss Sun raised an eyebrow at the other boy's outcry, saying, “You had your chance to explain, Tao Lu, and now it’s Ye Cheng’s.”

But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper.Ye Cheng's features were always delicate and pretty, and his father's rearing methods had left him with an innocent scholar kind of air. So, compared to the two skinny boys standing at his side with their shoulders all hunched, his pale face, slightly covered in dirt coupled with his faintly twitching nostrils, did a lot to earn him many sympathy points.

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper. His face was expressionless as usual, and his sharp jawline made him look a bit stern. Ye Cheng, chin in hand, was already losing interest. Soon, his gaze drifted from the paper to Gu Shaofan’s face and then wandered around the classroom. The other students were busy comparing their answers, as well, with the top performers surrounded by small groups.

{Tch.}09: Fight


“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.
Ye Cheng then continued in a sniffling tone, "Miss, I acted badly before, too. Because Tao Lu said those things, I also said some things in return, and after that... the fight just started."

“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.

Of course, Ye Cheng wasn’t aware of these details. All he knew was that they were moving to a new house. For a boy so young, it was obviously a big deal, so naturally, he eagerly told Gu Shaofan all about it.Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

Of course, Ye Cheng wasn’t aware of these details. All he knew was that they were moving to a new house. For a boy so young, it was obviously a big deal, so naturally, he eagerly told Gu Shaofan all about it.

Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.The scene quickly descended into chaos, and their classmates all gathered around, shouting for them to stop their fight. They cried this, yet most were still happily enjoying the show. No one dared step in to break it up, except for Liu Qin. The boy wanted to jump in to help his friend, but every time he tried, he was shoved away by a bandaged hand or a stray kick, so he could only stand stuck to the nearby wall.

Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.

At least that was what a fool would say.
Ye Cheng's features were always delicate and pretty, and his father's rearing methods had left him with an innocent scholar kind of air. So, compared to the two skinny boys standing at his side with their shoulders all hunched, his pale face, slightly covered in dirt coupled with his faintly twitching nostrils, did a lot to earn him many sympathy points.

At least that was what a fool would say.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.So, grabbing Gu Shaofan by the arm, he whispered for him to quickly let the other boy go, and after pausing for a bit, Gu Shaofan then loosened his hold. This was all Tao Lu needed to break free, as he was holding back his strength. The second Gu Shaofan's grip loosened, that boy took the chance to shove Gu Shaofan's chest with both hands.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.
What he said, in essence, wasn't wrong. When boiled down to just the facts, the situation could be accurately described that way. But it was also true that children have a hard time regulating their emotions. So if not for Ye Cheng's teasing, as unintentional as it may have been, Tao Lu wouldn't have exploded in anger to begin with.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"N/A

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"

"The Licheng Estate?" Gu Shaofan felt like the name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. He stared at Ye Cheng’s excited eyes, thinking for a moment but still drawing a blank.The killing power within those words was extraordinary, to say the least, able to bind all three pairs of those little brows into a frown in an instant. The consequences of Ye Chenghui finding out about this incident made Ye Cheng shiver. His face had screwed up so tightly that it looked like he was close to tears. After stewing in his fear for a while, he spoke up softly in the end to say, “Miss, I... I don’t really know what happened. I was just discussing the exam with Gu Shaofan when Tao Lu suddenly started cursing us.”

"The Licheng Estate?" Gu Shaofan felt like the name sounded familiar, but he couldn’t quite place it. He stared at Ye Cheng’s excited eyes, thinking for a moment but still drawing a blank.

The first profane word to ever cross Tao Lu's lips was now credited to Ye Cheng and Gu Shaofan in this way.
At least that was what a fool would say.

The first profane word to ever cross Tao Lu's lips was now credited to Ye Cheng and Gu Shaofan in this way.

“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.

“What happened? Tell me right this instant.”The three were carted away to the office, where they were now under Miss Sun's harsh gaze. The woman was furious.
But Gu Shaofan had no idea Ye Cheng was only acting, so his friend's outburst caught him totally off guard. With eyes darting over Ye Cheng from head to toe, he stepped closer and asked, "Are you hurt? Where does it hurt?"

“What happened? Tell me right this instant.”The three were carted away to the office, where they were now under Miss Sun's harsh gaze. The woman was furious.

With his small, stern face furrowed in a frown, Gu Shaofan suddenly seemed rather intimidating as he spat coldly, “Don’t touch him.”“What happened? Tell me right this instant.”The three were carted away to the office, where they were now under Miss Sun's harsh gaze. The woman was furious.

With his small, stern face furrowed in a frown, Gu Shaofan suddenly seemed rather intimidating as he spat coldly, “Don’t touch him.”

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper.Ye Cheng's features were always delicate and pretty, and his father's rearing methods had left him with an innocent scholar kind of air. So, compared to the two skinny boys standing at his side with their shoulders all hunched, his pale face, slightly covered in dirt coupled with his faintly twitching nostrils, did a lot to earn him many sympathy points.

“This is a linear equation. So you have to write it out like this,” Gu Shaofan said while calmly writing out the solution steps on a piece of paper. His face was expressionless as usual, and his sharp jawline made him look a bit stern. Ye Cheng, chin in hand, was already losing interest. Soon, his gaze drifted from the paper to Gu Shaofan’s face and then wandered around the classroom. The other students were busy comparing their answers, as well, with the top performers surrounded by small groups.

Ye Cheng's features were always delicate and pretty, and his father's rearing methods had left him with an innocent scholar kind of air. So, compared to the two skinny boys standing at his side with their shoulders all hunched, his pale face, slightly covered in dirt coupled with his faintly twitching nostrils, did a lot to earn him many sympathy points.
In response, Ye Cheng pursed his lips and shook his head, but the entire image he gave off was still that of a small animal pleading for a comforting hug. The pang of sadness shot through Gu Shaofan's heart like a bullet at this sight, but he had no idea how he should react.

Ye Cheng's features were always delicate and pretty, and his father's rearing methods had left him with an innocent scholar kind of air. So, compared to the two skinny boys standing at his side with their shoulders all hunched, his pale face, slightly covered in dirt coupled with his faintly twitching nostrils, did a lot to earn him many sympathy points.

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.09: Fight

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.

The first profane word to ever cross Tao Lu's lips was now credited to Ye Cheng and Gu Shaofan in this way.Gu Shaofan's gaze dropped, and Tao Lu turned his head away awkwardly, both remaining silent and staring at the floor.

The first profane word to ever cross Tao Lu's lips was now credited to Ye Cheng and Gu Shaofan in this way.

“What happened? Tell me right this instant.”The three were carted away to the office, where they were now under Miss Sun's harsh gaze. The woman was furious.Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

“What happened? Tell me right this instant.”The three were carted away to the office, where they were now under Miss Sun's harsh gaze. The woman was furious.

Of course, Ye Cheng wasn’t aware of these details. All he knew was that they were moving to a new house. For a boy so young, it was obviously a big deal, so naturally, he eagerly told Gu Shaofan all about it.
Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.

Of course, Ye Cheng wasn’t aware of these details. All he knew was that they were moving to a new house. For a boy so young, it was obviously a big deal, so naturally, he eagerly told Gu Shaofan all about it.

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”

“I... I'm...” Tao Lu stammered for a long time; the only sound resonating in the class were his stilted words. The whole class had their eyes on him, expecting him to shout, "I'm never talking to you two again!" But, instead—out of nowhere—Tao Lu lunged at Gu Shaofan while shouting bad words he heard from somewhere. "I'm gonna f**k you up!"

How soft.


Of course, Ye Cheng wasn’t aware of these details. All he knew was that they were moving to a new house. For a boy so young, it was obviously a big deal, so naturally, he eagerly told Gu Shaofan all about it.N/A

Of course, Ye Cheng wasn’t aware of these details. All he knew was that they were moving to a new house. For a boy so young, it was obviously a big deal, so naturally, he eagerly told Gu Shaofan all about it.

So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.“Well, I was just saying before how sitting next to Gu Shaofan was good for my studies and that he does so well in exams, and... Tao Lu didn’t like that, I guess…” Ye Cheng’s voice cracked and his eyes reddened as he spoke, making him a pitiful sight—as if he were the innocent party wronged.

So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.

So, grabbing Gu Shaofan by the arm, he whispered for him to quickly let the other boy go, and after pausing for a bit, Gu Shaofan then loosened his hold. This was all Tao Lu needed to break free, as he was holding back his strength. The second Gu Shaofan's grip loosened, that boy took the chance to shove Gu Shaofan's chest with both hands.
Tao Lu's reading of the situation was far behind the other two's, so this new development that was beyond his understanding only made his eyes narrow and his jaw drop. But to a teacher, the display of those two was nothing but a show of mutual love and care between classmates, which unconsciously tipped the scales in their favour.

So, grabbing Gu Shaofan by the arm, he whispered for him to quickly let the other boy go, and after pausing for a bit, Gu Shaofan then loosened his hold. This was all Tao Lu needed to break free, as he was holding back his strength. The second Gu Shaofan's grip loosened, that boy took the chance to shove Gu Shaofan's chest with both hands.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.So, grabbing Gu Shaofan by the arm, he whispered for him to quickly let the other boy go, and after pausing for a bit, Gu Shaofan then loosened his hold. This was all Tao Lu needed to break free, as he was holding back his strength. The second Gu Shaofan's grip loosened, that boy took the chance to shove Gu Shaofan's chest with both hands.

Gu Shaofan, on the other hand, was the opposite. His math grades hovered near the top of the class, often first or second. Being seated next to him was a huge advantage for Ye Cheng, as he always got thorough answers to his questions.

Thus, in the end, despite all three being tasked with writing apologies, only Tao Lu’s parents were called in.Tao Lu, who had been listening this whole time, couldn’t hold it in any longer; his head twisted back to them while his face contorted into a sneer. "What are you blathering on about now, Ye Xiao Cheng? Who's jealous? What’s there to be jealous of?! You're just talking crap."

Thus, in the end, despite all three being tasked with writing apologies, only Tao Lu’s parents were called in.

When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard.Ye Cheng, well accustomed to Gu Shaofan’s habit of falling into deep thought after hearing something, carried on cheerfully, “I’ve seen it already. It’s got two floors, and we’ll have a little garden on the ground floor. When we move in, I’ll invite you over as a guest.”

When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

09: Fight
Thus, in the end, despite all three being tasked with writing apologies, only Tao Lu’s parents were called in.

09: Fight

Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.
So, once again, Ye Cheng had managed a total win.

Seeing the dirt marks on Ye Cheng's face, he suddenly wanted to wipe them, but he also realised his hands were dirty, so halfway through his act, he used the back of his hand to lightly brush Ye Cheng's cheek instead.

Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.Tao Lu and Gu Shaofan had barely spoken to each other, and the two times Gu Shaofan had addressed him had both been in a commanding tone. It made Tao Lu feel all the more affronted. As for Ye Cheng, seeing Gu Shaofan’s protective stance, he couldn’t help but feel a little proud. He was also bad at hiding his emotions, so his smugness was written all over his face.

Startled, Gu Shaofan was still deep in thought over the equations when Ye Cheng continued, “You’re good-looking—and smart. So they’re all just jealous, jealous, jealous~” He repeated the word a few more times, venting his frustration.

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.Miss Sun raised an eyebrow at the other boy's outcry, saying, “You had your chance to explain, Tao Lu, and now it’s Ye Cheng’s.”

Only the class monitor, worried that things might get out of hand, quietly ran out to fetch their teacher. Miss Sun usually spent her time in the office outside of class, so when the class monitor ran in to report a fight had broken out, she hurried towards her class.

Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”When the surge of students finally cleared, there was only Tao Lu lying on the ground with Gu Shaofan tightly restraining him by the neck. With a face flushed with anger, his little legs wouldn't stop kicking wildly, so Gu Shaofan used one hand to keep his head pinned down while using the other to press the other boy down by the shoulder rather hard. Such professionally executed moves fully inhibited the actions of the one below, who was now receiving Gu Shaofan's frigid glare.

Caught off guard by the question, Ye Cheng hesitated, "Um, I don’t know exactly... I'll ask when I get home. When I was there, they were still doing the renovations. By the way, can you explain that math problem from yesterday to me?”

Author's Note:




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