Forced Couple Husband x Husband: C31 - CN Translations
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Forced Couple Husband x Husband: C31

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C31: The Quick Witted Lot

This novel was posted on cntranslations [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

“What is there to understand? Aren’t matters of the heart always shrouded in mysticism?” Another member of the group, an old charlatan who knew a character or two, chimed in.
“Alright, okay. You can go back home now, Ji Yu. I’ll discuss this matter with that young master.” The village chief waved that chipper Ji Yu as she spoke.

“What is there to understand? Aren’t matters of the heart always shrouded in mysticism?” Another member of the group, an old charlatan who knew a character or two, chimed in.

Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. {“Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?”} Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.“You superficial lot! You’re all just superficial and narrow-minded!” The old trickster spat with a mouth lacking teeth and a face flushed in crimson.

Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. “Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?” Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.

“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.

“Really? He asked you two? Seriously?”“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”

“Really? He asked you two? Seriously?”

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.


Ignoring the huffing old man, another member interjected, “Oi, I heard that young master is sickly!”“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”

Ignoring the huffing old man, another member interjected, “Oi, I heard that young master is sickly!”

“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.

“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”

C31: The Quick Witted Lot
“Goodness, is there green smoke coming from that boy’s ancestral tombs? What luck!” The village chief couldn’t help but exclaim as he stared at Ji Yu’s retreating.

C31: The Quick Witted Lot

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.
During the current summer days, the villagers sat outside in groups of twos or threes, enjoying the gentle breeze. Children ran about, up to their usual mischief, and not even the light reprimands from their elders impeded their joy.

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.

“Alright, okay. You can go back home now, Ji Yu. I’ll discuss this matter with that young master.” The village chief waved that chipper Ji Yu as she spoke.“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“Alright, okay. You can go back home now, Ji Yu. I’ll discuss this matter with that young master.” The village chief waved that chipper Ji Yu as she spoke.

Everyone burst into laughter hearing those words—everyone but the old bachelor.
The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.

Everyone burst into laughter hearing those words—everyone but the old bachelor.

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”

“Who? Who on earth is it? Who wants to marry that bum, Ji Yu? Are they blind?”


C31: The Quick Witted LotHahaha…

C31: The Quick Witted Lot

“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. “Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?” Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.

“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”

“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”
“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”

“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.

“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.

Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. “Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?” Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.
“Nonsense! That’s insane! Why—how can the youngest son of our county magistrate ever have eyes for that lazy bum?!”

Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. “Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?” Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”Ignoring the huffing old man, another member interjected, “Oi, I heard that young master is sickly!”

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”

As for the star of these conversations, he, of course, knew nothing of these discussions. At the very moment all the villagers were rushing home to plan out their schemes, he was lying under a tree and humming a tune in thanks for his exceptionally good mood.“Who? Who on earth is it? Who wants to marry that bum, Ji Yu? Are they blind?”

As for the star of these conversations, he, of course, knew nothing of these discussions. At the very moment all the villagers were rushing home to plan out their schemes, he was lying under a tree and humming a tune in thanks for his exceptionally good mood.

“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”
“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.

“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”

“{Tch!} You’ve spent your life as single as you were the day you were born! Yet you still have the nerve to speak?” Another member sneered.“Goodness, is there green smoke coming from that boy’s ancestral tombs? What luck!” The village chief couldn’t help but exclaim as he stared at Ji Yu’s retreating.

Tch! You’ve spent your life as single as you were the day you were born! Yet you still have the nerve to speak?” Another member sneered.

As for the star of these conversations, he, of course, knew nothing of these discussions. At the very moment all the villagers were rushing home to plan out their schemes, he was lying under a tree and humming a tune in thanks for his exceptionally good mood.
“Really? He asked you two? Seriously?”

As for the star of these conversations, he, of course, knew nothing of these discussions. At the very moment all the villagers were rushing home to plan out their schemes, he was lying under a tree and humming a tune in thanks for his exceptionally good mood.

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.

The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.
“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.

The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.

“Nonsense! That’s insane! Why—how can the youngest son of our county magistrate ever have eyes for that lazy bum?!”
“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.

“Nonsense! That’s insane! Why—how can the youngest son of our county magistrate ever have eyes for that lazy bum?!”

“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”“Alright, okay. You can go back home now, Ji Yu. I’ll discuss this matter with that young master.” The village chief waved that chipper Ji Yu as she spoke.

“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”

“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”Tch! You’ve spent your life as single as you were the day you were born! Yet you still have the nerve to speak?” Another member sneered.

“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.

“Alright, okay. You can go back home now, Ji Yu. I’ll discuss this matter with that young master.” The village chief waved that chipper Ji Yu as she spoke.
“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”

“Alright, okay. You can go back home now, Ji Yu. I’ll discuss this matter with that young master.” The village chief waved that chipper Ji Yu as she spoke.

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”

“Goodness, is there green smoke coming from that boy’s ancestral tombs? What luck!” The village chief couldn’t help but exclaim as he stared at Ji Yu’s retreating.Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.

“Goodness, is there green smoke coming from that boy’s ancestral tombs? What luck!” The village chief couldn’t help but exclaim as he stared at Ji Yu’s retreating.

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.
Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.

If that young master can be enamoured by a bum like that, my daughter, who has just turned sixteen, is a beautiful girl. Her waist is slender and she can give birth, so if she appears before that young master, he just might…
“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

If that young master can be enamoured by a bum like that, my daughter, who has just turned sixteen, is a beautiful girl. Her waist is slender and she can give birth, so if she appears before that young master, he just might…

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“Who? Who on earth is it? Who wants to marry that bum, Ji Yu? Are they blind?”“Really? He asked you two? Seriously?”

“Who? Who on earth is it? Who wants to marry that bum, Ji Yu? Are they blind?”

“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.

“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.

Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.
“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”

Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“What is there to understand? Aren’t matters of the heart always shrouded in mysticism?” Another member of the group, an old charlatan who knew a character or two, chimed in.Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.

“What is there to understand? Aren’t matters of the heart always shrouded in mysticism?” Another member of the group, an old charlatan who knew a character or two, chimed in.

“Really? He asked you two? Seriously?”
“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”

“Really? He asked you two? Seriously?”

“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.

“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”

Everyone burst into laughter hearing those words—everyone but the old bachelor.“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.

Everyone burst into laughter hearing those words—everyone but the old bachelor.

“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.
“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”

“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.

Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”

Truly, she did. Not only did she speak nothing but the truth, but she had even sprinkled in a few embellishments of Ji Yu’s description that would naturally defame Ji Yu.

“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.
“What is there to understand? Aren’t matters of the heart always shrouded in mysticism?” Another member of the group, an old charlatan who knew a character or two, chimed in.

“Nonsense? I’m talking nonsense? Well, just so you know, that young master asked us about that lazy bum while we were off in the city—for a really long time, too.” The one speaking was one of the two older women Cang Xingye had given money to when enquiring about Ji Yu.

“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”

“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”

“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”

“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”

“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”
Tch! You’ve spent your life as single as you were the day you were born! Yet you still have the nerve to speak?” Another member sneered.

“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.Tch! You’ve spent your life as single as you were the day you were born! Yet you still have the nerve to speak?” Another member sneered.

“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.“What is there to understand? Aren’t matters of the heart always shrouded in mysticism?” Another member of the group, an old charlatan who knew a character or two, chimed in.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”

The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.

Ignoring the huffing old man, another member interjected, “Oi, I heard that young master is sickly!”
Everyone burst into laughter hearing those words—everyone but the old bachelor.

Ignoring the huffing old man, another member interjected, “Oi, I heard that young master is sickly!”

N/AN/A“Goodness, is there green smoke coming from that boy’s ancestral tombs? What luck!” The village chief couldn’t help but exclaim as he stared at Ji Yu’s retreating.


The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.During the current summer days, the villagers sat outside in groups of twos or threes, enjoying the gentle breeze. Children ran about, up to their usual mischief, and not even the light reprimands from their elders impeded their joy.

The women of the village also kicked their feet up as they traded stories of their daily lives. So when news of Ji Yu’s situation was discovered, news of that lazy bum’s upcoming nuptials caused an uproar as it spread throughout the village in a flash.

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”Hahaha…

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”

Like this, the more they thought the situation over, the more feasible their aspirations seemed to be. So many of the old villagers conveniently cooked up some excuse to head back home and prepare for their chance.
“You superficial lot! You’re all just superficial and narrow-minded!” The old trickster spat with a mouth lacking teeth and a face flushed in crimson.

Like this, the more they thought the situation over, the more feasible their aspirations seemed to be. So many of the old villagers conveniently cooked up some excuse to head back home and prepare for their chance.

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.

Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. {“Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?”} Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”

Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. “Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?” Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.

“Yeah? Among all our unmarried kids, is there anyone who isn’t clever and hardworking? So who among them wouldn’t...”
Ignoring the huffing old man, another member interjected, “Oi, I heard that young master is sickly!”

“Yeah? Among all our unmarried kids, is there anyone who isn’t clever and hardworking? So who among them wouldn’t...”

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.“Nonsense! That’s insane! Why—how can the youngest son of our county magistrate ever have eyes for that lazy bum?!”

“Yep. This is really happening. It’s the god’s honest truth.” The other elderly woman from that trip to the city chimed in from beside them.

“Who? Who on earth is it? Who wants to marry that bum, Ji Yu? Are they blind?”
“He is? Why would he want to take in a bum as a wife if he is in poor health? What is he thinking?”

“Who? Who on earth is it? Who wants to marry that bum, Ji Yu? Are they blind?”

“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”
“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”

“Fine, this great thing happened to Ji Yu because of good karma. But what I can’t wrap my head around is the young master’s tastes. I never expected them to be so unique. I can’t stomach that Ji Yu, yet he went and fell in love with him!”

Like this, the more they thought the situation over, the more feasible their aspirations seemed to be. So many of the old villagers conveniently cooked up some excuse to head back home and prepare for their chance.During the current summer days, the villagers sat outside in groups of twos or threes, enjoying the gentle breeze. Children ran about, up to their usual mischief, and not even the light reprimands from their elders impeded their joy.

Like this, the more they thought the situation over, the more feasible their aspirations seemed to be. So many of the old villagers conveniently cooked up some excuse to head back home and prepare for their chance.

“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.“You superficial lot! You’re all just superficial and narrow-minded!” The old trickster spat with a mouth lacking teeth and a face flushed in crimson.

“Did you two talk up that bum to the young master, by chance?” Someone else at the gathering interjected in a tone wholly confused.

During the current summer days, the villagers sat outside in groups of twos or threes, enjoying the gentle breeze. Children ran about, up to their usual mischief, and not even the light reprimands from their elders impeded their joy.“I have no clue. Plus, in our village, is there anyone who isn’t stronger than that bum?”

During the current summer days, the villagers sat outside in groups of twos or threes, enjoying the gentle breeze. Children ran about, up to their usual mischief, and not even the light reprimands from their elders impeded their joy.

During the current summer days, the villagers sat outside in groups of twos or threes, enjoying the gentle breeze. Children ran about, up to their usual mischief, and not even the light reprimands from their elders impeded their joy.
“Yeah? Among all our unmarried kids, is there anyone who isn’t clever and hardworking? So who among them wouldn’t...”

During the current summer days, the villagers sat outside in groups of twos or threes, enjoying the gentle breeze. Children ran about, up to their usual mischief, and not even the light reprimands from their elders impeded their joy.

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”
Despite the speaker trailing off, all the other villagers knew what they intended to say. “Who amongst them wouldn’t be better than that bum, Ji Yu?” Those words blossomed in everyone’s minds, while some also saw the birth of aspirations.

“Goodness, all of this is so strange, then. Just what kind of good karma had that boy’s ancestors accumulated? How great were their deeds to have such an opportunity be possible?”

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”

“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”

“You superficial lot! You’re all just superficial and narrow-minded!” The old trickster spat with a mouth lacking teeth and a face flushed in crimson.
If that young master can be enamoured by a bum like that, my daughter, who has just turned sixteen, is a beautiful girl. Her waist is slender and she can give birth, so if she appears before that young master, he just might…

“You superficial lot! You’re all just superficial and narrow-minded!” The old trickster spat with a mouth lacking teeth and a face flushed in crimson.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.“Thank you. I’ll be on my way, then.” Wearing a beaming smile, Ji Yu left the room.

“It’s true! We spoke the truth and nothing else!” The other old woman defended.

“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”Hahaha…

“What? Are you serious? That’s impossible. All I spoke was the truth.”

“{Hahaha…}”“What? No. The one who wants Ji Yu to marry him is none other than the youngest son of our county’s magistrate! Young Master Cang!”


“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”
Like this, the more they thought the situation over, the more feasible their aspirations seemed to be. So many of the old villagers conveniently cooked up some excuse to head back home and prepare for their chance.

“I haven’t the slightest idea. But, in short, a great accumulation of good karma is the only explanation for all this.”

Author's Note:

As for the star of these conversations, he, of course, knew nothing of these discussions. At the very moment all the villagers were rushing home to plan out their schemes, he was lying under a tree and humming a tune in thanks for his exceptionally good mood.



Updated every Friday. Raws: lcread

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