Selling Cakes: C07 - CN Translations
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Selling Cakes: C07

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Chapter Seven

This novel was posted on cntranslations [dot] com, by anasiana. If you're not reading it there, you get what you get  ̄へ ̄)

Tian Nanxing checked Shen Yunjie's pulse again, his discovery prompting him to lower the canopy of the bed and begin undoing the groaning man’s robe. After a careful examination, he then instructed, “You’re still in the early stages, so I’m afraid you’ll need to endure for a few more hours. So wherever the pain is not as much, please get some rest. You will need it.”
Shen Yunjie’s prediction was correct.

Tian Nanxing checked Shen Yunjie's pulse again, his discovery prompting him to lower the canopy of the bed and begin undoing the groaning man’s robe. After a careful examination, he then instructed, “You’re still in the early stages, so I’m afraid you’ll need to endure for a few more hours. So wherever the pain is not as much, please get some rest. You will need it.”

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.

Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”
That night Tian Nanxing had arrived, and while he lay sprawled out on his back asleep, he turned over upon feeling a light tap against his hand, startling him into opening his eyes. Upon opening, he found Shen Yunjie, sitting and staring from his bedside.

Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”

Shen Yunjie’s prediction was correct.“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.

Shen Yunjie’s prediction was correct.

At a loss for how he could console his friend in such a situation, Tian Nanxing could only lightly support his frame and, after a moment of thought, say, “The Xiao Sect is located in Yongjia County, Kuozhou. Your young master now goes by the name Xiao Ning. So in the future, perhaps...”“I felt something moving, so I came to see you.” Shen Yunjie’s brows were bound tight as he spoke, a hand clutching his stomach. Taking hold of his other hand, Tian Nanxing felt Shen Yunjie’s pulse.

At a loss for how he could console his friend in such a situation, Tian Nanxing could only lightly support his frame and, after a moment of thought, say, “The Xiao Sect is located in Yongjia County, Kuozhou. Your young master now goes by the name Xiao Ning. So in the future, perhaps...”

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”
“Goodness, it’s the middle of the night.” Tian Nanxing sat himself up, still in a haze.

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

“Are you seriously bringing up this matter now of all times?” Shen Yunjie then pointed to his stomach, wearing a wry smile. “I believe it’s a bit too late for—{nnngh…}” Another wave of pain severed his words, turning them into a muffled groan as his fingers crumpled the robe around his waist.With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

“Are you seriously bringing up this matter now of all times?” Shen Yunjie then pointed to his stomach, wearing a wry smile. “I believe it’s a bit too late for—nnngh…” Another wave of pain severed his words, turning them into a muffled groan as his fingers crumpled the robe around his waist.

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.At a loss for how he could console his friend in such a situation, Tian Nanxing could only lightly support his frame and, after a moment of thought, say, “The Xiao Sect is located in Yongjia County, Kuozhou. Your young master now goes by the name Xiao Ning. So in the future, perhaps...”

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”
“Are you awake?” Shen Yunjie asked, a huffed breath spilling from his lips.

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”

Hearing this, Shen Yunjie did his best to force his eyes open and turn his attention towards his friend.“Are you awake?” Shen Yunjie asked, a huffed breath spilling from his lips.

Hearing this, Shen Yunjie did his best to force his eyes open and turn his attention towards his friend.

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”
While rubbing his eyes, Tian Nanxing sensed something wrong with Shen Yunjie’s breathing and asked what was wrong. But after reaching out to touch his friend, he realised Shen Yunjie’s clothes were all soaked.

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”

Shen Yunjie’s prediction was correct.
“I felt something moving, so I came to see you.” Shen Yunjie’s brows were bound tight as he spoke, a hand clutching his stomach. Taking hold of his other hand, Tian Nanxing felt Shen Yunjie’s pulse.

Shen Yunjie’s prediction was correct.

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”Tian Nanxing softly applied pressure to Shen Yunjie’s stomach, reminding him to do all he could to stay conscious before continuing to give comfort with his words. “So when I took your young master to the old master, that old man accepted him the second he laid eyes on him. He said that credentials like his were a once-in-a-lifetime catch. The old fool dragged your young master over and refused to let go, saying it was a pity beautiful hands like his would be used for making cakes.”

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”

“How long have you been in pain?”Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”

“How long have you been in pain?”

“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.
“How long have you been in pain?”

“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.

While rubbing his eyes, Tian Nanxing sensed something wrong with Shen Yunjie’s breathing and asked what was wrong. But after reaching out to touch his friend, he realised Shen Yunjie’s clothes were all soaked.
Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”

While rubbing his eyes, Tian Nanxing sensed something wrong with Shen Yunjie’s breathing and asked what was wrong. But after reaching out to touch his friend, he realised Shen Yunjie’s clothes were all soaked.

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”From a nearby compartment, the mute servant entered the room and knelt before his master bed, offering a kowtow before taking the child from his hands. The child was then placed in a vegetable basket; the greens used to conceal their swaddled form. Then, with a bow, the servant hurried away.

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”

“How long have you been in pain?”Tian Nanxing softly applied pressure to Shen Yunjie’s stomach, reminding him to do all he could to stay conscious before continuing to give comfort with his words. “So when I took your young master to the old master, that old man accepted him the second he laid eyes on him. He said that credentials like his were a once-in-a-lifetime catch. The old fool dragged your young master over and refused to let go, saying it was a pity beautiful hands like his would be used for making cakes.”

“How long have you been in pain?”

Outside, Tian Nanxing instructed the mute servant to boil water, fetch the right medicines, prepare the proper materials, and return to the room to light the candles. By the time he returned to the room, in the time it took to brew a cup of tea, Shen Yunjie’s appearance was finally revealed to him, and that man seemed as though he was on the precipice of death.Hearing this, Shen Yunjie did his best to force his eyes open and turn his attention towards his friend.

Outside, Tian Nanxing instructed the mute servant to boil water, fetch the right medicines, prepare the proper materials, and return to the room to light the candles. By the time he returned to the room, in the time it took to brew a cup of tea, Shen Yunjie’s appearance was finally revealed to him, and that man seemed as though he was on the precipice of death.

Pinching his brows at the sensation of an oncoming headache, Tian Nanxing asked, “What time is it now?”


“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”Tian Nanxing softly applied pressure to Shen Yunjie’s stomach, reminding him to do all he could to stay conscious before continuing to give comfort with his words. “So when I took your young master to the old master, that old man accepted him the second he laid eyes on him. He said that credentials like his were a once-in-a-lifetime catch. The old fool dragged your young master over and refused to let go, saying it was a pity beautiful hands like his would be used for making cakes.”

“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”

As dawn neared, Shen Yunjie could no longer bear the pain, a restrained groan leaving him. Using a warm handkerchief, Tian Nanxing wiped his forehead, gently coaxing him awake.“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”

As dawn neared, Shen Yunjie could no longer bear the pain, a restrained groan leaving him. Using a warm handkerchief, Tian Nanxing wiped his forehead, gently coaxing him awake.

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”At a loss for how he could console his friend in such a situation, Tian Nanxing could only lightly support his frame and, after a moment of thought, say, “The Xiao Sect is located in Yongjia County, Kuozhou. Your young master now goes by the name Xiao Ning. So in the future, perhaps...”

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”

Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.
“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.

Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.

Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”“I felt something moving, so I came to see you.” Shen Yunjie’s brows were bound tight as he spoke, a hand clutching his stomach. Taking hold of his other hand, Tian Nanxing felt Shen Yunjie’s pulse.

Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”

“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”

“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.While rubbing his eyes, Tian Nanxing sensed something wrong with Shen Yunjie’s breathing and asked what was wrong. But after reaching out to touch his friend, he realised Shen Yunjie’s clothes were all soaked.

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.

Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”
“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.

Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.Shen Yunjie’s prediction was correct.

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.

“The old master of the sect, Xiao Lao Gui, sensed his time was coming, so he wanted to take in a final disciple that would inherit his sect’s transfiguration technique. I thought that if Young Master Xie was taken in by this sect, then he could at least have a skill he could use to keep himself fed in the future, yes?”
Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”

“The old master of the sect, Xiao Lao Gui, sensed his time was coming, so he wanted to take in a final disciple that would inherit his sect’s transfiguration technique. I thought that if Young Master Xie was taken in by this sect, then he could at least have a skill he could use to keep himself fed in the future, yes?”

“Goodness, it’s the middle of the night.” Tian Nanxing sat himself up, still in a haze.
“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”

“Goodness, it’s the middle of the night.” Tian Nanxing sat himself up, still in a haze.

Leaning against the headboard, Shen Yunjie spoke out with chattering teeth, “My master will be arriving soon... so I cannot keep that child beside me.”
“Just lay down for a bit. I have to leave for a short while, alright?” Pulling a blanket over Shen Yunjie, Tian Nanxing then rushed out of the room, even before putting on an outer robe. For a short while, Shen Yunjie had to endure the pain all alone. Tightly grasping the edge of the bed with his trembling fingers, sweat covered every inch of him while his eyes were left swollen and sore. Unable to sit still, unable to lie down—unable to muster the strength to ever turn his body—he stayed on that bed panting, his breaths growing all the more rough.

Leaning against the headboard, Shen Yunjie spoke out with chattering teeth, “My master will be arriving soon... so I cannot keep that child beside me.”

Tian Nanxing stared at Shen Yunjie after the scene he just witnessed. His words caught in his throat.Tian Nanxing couldn’t bear to watch such a pitiful sight, so he hurriedly took hold of his friend’s hand. “I only meant to say that there was no need for you to be pushed into such a situation.”

Tian Nanxing stared at Shen Yunjie after the scene he just witnessed. His words caught in his throat.

Tian Nanxing helped him up, then advised him, “You should drink the medicine first, then I will get you some water.” But not long after feeding him the medicine, Shen Yunjie lurched forward and bellowed a cry so riddled with pain it made every bit of his form tremble.
Outside, Tian Nanxing instructed the mute servant to boil water, fetch the right medicines, prepare the proper materials, and return to the room to light the candles. By the time he returned to the room, in the time it took to brew a cup of tea, Shen Yunjie’s appearance was finally revealed to him, and that man seemed as though he was on the precipice of death.

Tian Nanxing helped him up, then advised him, “You should drink the medicine first, then I will get you some water.” But not long after feeding him the medicine, Shen Yunjie lurched forward and bellowed a cry so riddled with pain it made every bit of his form tremble.

“After the little prince woke up, he didn’t speak a word the entire journey. So, seeing that his mental state was quite poor, I didn’t dare send him to that farming village as planned. Have you ever heard of the Xiao Sect? Of the Ghost Hands within Jianghu (the underworld)?”“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.

“After the little prince woke up, he didn’t speak a word the entire journey. So, seeing that his mental state was quite poor, I didn’t dare send him to that farming village as planned. Have you ever heard of the Xiao Sect? Of the Ghost Hands within Jianghu (the underworld)?”

That night Tian Nanxing had arrived, and while he lay sprawled out on his back asleep, he turned over upon feeling a light tap against his hand, startling him into opening his eyes. Upon opening, he found Shen Yunjie, sitting and staring from his bedside.With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

That night Tian Nanxing had arrived, and while he lay sprawled out on his back asleep, he turned over upon feeling a light tap against his hand, startling him into opening his eyes. Upon opening, he found Shen Yunjie, sitting and staring from his bedside.

Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.
All the colour was drained from his face, while his body was slathered in layers of sweat. His lower lip was bleeding from his own bites, while his soaked and tangled tresses were scattered all over the bed. Pitifully, his hands wrapped around his extended stomach, afraid to hold it any tighter than he should as the waves of severe pain surged within him.

Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.” Shen Yunjie believed these words, but little did he know he would have to endure for almost two hours more. Sharper and sharper, the pain in his stomach grew. Biting down on the handkerchief, digging his fingers into the mattress until it was scratched through, he endured it all in silence, fearing any noise would alarm the ones outside.

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.
“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.

Tian Nanxing hurriedly inserted a needle before he began prattling, “I’ll tell you about that young master of yours, so do not faint, alright?”Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.” Shen Yunjie believed these words, but little did he know he would have to endure for almost two hours more. Sharper and sharper, the pain in his stomach grew. Biting down on the handkerchief, digging his fingers into the mattress until it was scratched through, he endured it all in silence, fearing any noise would alarm the ones outside.

Tian Nanxing hurriedly inserted a needle before he began prattling, “I’ll tell you about that young master of yours, so do not faint, alright?”

Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”Tian Nanxing checked Shen Yunjie's pulse again, his discovery prompting him to lower the canopy of the bed and begin undoing the groaning man’s robe. After a careful examination, he then instructed, “You’re still in the early stages, so I’m afraid you’ll need to endure for a few more hours. So wherever the pain is not as much, please get some rest. You will need it.”

Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”

Shen Yunjie nodded, quickly forcing his eyes shut. Amidst the drowsiness and occasional stab of pain, his mind was filled with nothing but the years he spent at Xie Yunyi’s side. Scene after scene spun by like a carousel of moving pictures until it came to an abrupt stop on the day he ground the red silks strung about Wujing’s palace under his feet.
Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”

Shen Yunjie nodded, quickly forcing his eyes shut. Amidst the drowsiness and occasional stab of pain, his mind was filled with nothing but the years he spent at Xie Yunyi’s side. Scene after scene spun by like a carousel of moving pictures until it came to an abrupt stop on the day he ground the red silks strung about Wujing’s palace under his feet.

Shen Yunjie frowned and coughed out in pain while trying to answer, but Tian Nanxing covered his mouth and apologised, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you carelessly, so don’t speak. Save your strength to give birth to your child.”“Are you seriously bringing up this matter now of all times?” Shen Yunjie then pointed to his stomach, wearing a wry smile. “I believe it’s a bit too late for—nnngh…” Another wave of pain severed his words, turning them into a muffled groan as his fingers crumpled the robe around his waist.

Shen Yunjie frowned and coughed out in pain while trying to answer, but Tian Nanxing covered his mouth and apologised, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you carelessly, so don’t speak. Save your strength to give birth to your child.”

“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”

“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.” Shen Yunjie believed these words, but little did he know he would have to endure for almost two hours more. Sharper and sharper, the pain in his stomach grew. Biting down on the handkerchief, digging his fingers into the mattress until it was scratched through, he endured it all in silence, fearing any noise would alarm the ones outside.

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

Tian Nanxing stared at Shen Yunjie after the scene he just witnessed. His words caught in his throat.
Tian Nanxing couldn’t bear to watch such a pitiful sight, so he hurriedly took hold of his friend’s hand. “I only meant to say that there was no need for you to be pushed into such a situation.”

Tian Nanxing stared at Shen Yunjie after the scene he just witnessed. His words caught in his throat.

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.

Tian Nanxing softly applied pressure to Shen Yunjie’s stomach, reminding him to do all he could to stay conscious before continuing to give comfort with his words. “So when I took your young master to the old master, that old man accepted him the second he laid eyes on him.All the colour was drained from his face, while his body was slathered in layers of sweat. His lower lip was bleeding from his own bites, while his soaked and tangled tresses were scattered all over the bed. Pitifully, his hands wrapped around his extended stomach, afraid to hold it any tighter than he should as the waves of severe pain surged within him.

Tian Nanxing softly applied pressure to Shen Yunjie’s stomach, reminding him to do all he could to stay conscious before continuing to give comfort with his words. “So when I took your young master to the old master, that old man accepted him the second he laid eyes on him. He said that credentials like his were a once-in-a-lifetime catch. The old fool dragged your young master over and refused to let go, saying it was a pity beautiful hands like his would be used for making cakes.”

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”
“Are you seriously bringing up this matter now of all times?” Shen Yunjie then pointed to his stomach, wearing a wry smile. “I believe it’s a bit too late for—nnngh…” Another wave of pain severed his words, turning them into a muffled groan as his fingers crumpled the robe around his waist.

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”Tian Nanxing couldn’t bear to watch such a pitiful sight, so he hurriedly took hold of his friend’s hand. “I only meant to say that there was no need for you to be pushed into such a situation.”

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”

“After the little prince woke up, he didn’t speak a word the entire journey. So, seeing that his mental state was quite poor, I didn’t dare send him to that farming village as planned. Have you ever heard of the Xiao Sect? Of the Ghost Hands within Jianghu (the underworld)?”
Tian Nanxing checked Shen Yunjie's pulse again, his discovery prompting him to lower the canopy of the bed and begin undoing the groaning man’s robe. After a careful examination, he then instructed, “You’re still in the early stages, so I’m afraid you’ll need to endure for a few more hours. So wherever the pain is not as much, please get some rest. You will need it.”

“After the little prince woke up, he didn’t speak a word the entire journey. So, seeing that his mental state was quite poor, I didn’t dare send him to that farming village as planned. Have you ever heard of the Xiao Sect? Of the Ghost Hands within Jianghu (the underworld)?”

“How long have you been in pain?”With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

“How long have you been in pain?”

Tian Nanxing couldn’t bear to watch such a pitiful sight, so he hurriedly took hold of his friend’s hand. “I only meant to say that there was no need for you to be pushed into such a situation.”
Shen Yunjie nodded, quickly forcing his eyes shut. Amidst the drowsiness and occasional stab of pain, his mind was filled with nothing but the years he spent at Xie Yunyi’s side. Scene after scene spun by like a carousel of moving pictures until it came to an abrupt stop on the day he ground the red silks strung about Wujing’s palace under his feet.

Tian Nanxing couldn’t bear to watch such a pitiful sight, so he hurriedly took hold of his friend’s hand. “I only meant to say that there was no need for you to be pushed into such a situation.”

“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”

“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.From a nearby compartment, the mute servant entered the room and knelt before his master bed, offering a kowtow before taking the child from his hands. The child was then placed in a vegetable basket; the greens used to conceal their swaddled form. Then, with a bow, the servant hurried away.

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.

“I felt something moving, so I came to see you.” Shen Yunjie’s brows were bound tight as he spoke, a hand clutching his stomach. Taking hold of his other hand, Tian Nanxing felt Shen Yunjie’s pulse.Tian Nanxing couldn’t bear to watch such a pitiful sight, so he hurriedly took hold of his friend’s hand. “I only meant to say that there was no need for you to be pushed into such a situation.”

“I felt something moving, so I came to see you.” Shen Yunjie’s brows were bound tight as he spoke, a hand clutching his stomach. Taking hold of his other hand, Tian Nanxing felt Shen Yunjie’s pulse.

Hearing this, Shen Yunjie did his best to force his eyes open and turn his attention towards his friend.
As dawn neared, Shen Yunjie could no longer bear the pain, a restrained groan leaving him. Using a warm handkerchief, Tian Nanxing wiped his forehead, gently coaxing him awake.

Hearing this, Shen Yunjie did his best to force his eyes open and turn his attention towards his friend.

Even Tian Nanxing had a film of sweat forming on the back of his neck. Shen Yunjie was exhausted after enduring for so long, yet there was still no sign of that child’s emergence after so long. When it seemed as though Shen Yunjie was about to faint, Tian Nanxing quickly set aside his needles and cried out, “Yunjie! Wake up! You cannot fall asleep! If you want this child, you cannot!”
With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

Even Tian Nanxing had a film of sweat forming on the back of his neck. Shen Yunjie was exhausted after enduring for so long, yet there was still no sign of that child’s emergence after so long. When it seemed as though Shen Yunjie was about to faint, Tian Nanxing quickly set aside his needles and cried out, “Yunjie! Wake up! You cannot fall asleep! If you want this child, you cannot!”

“Just lay down for a bit. I have to leave for a short while, alright?” Pulling a blanket over Shen Yunjie, Tian Nanxing then rushed out of the room, even before putting on an outer robe.“How long have you been in pain?”

“Just lay down for a bit. I have to leave for a short while, alright?” Pulling a blanket over Shen Yunjie, Tian Nanxing then rushed out of the room, even before putting on an outer robe. For a short while, Shen Yunjie had to endure the pain all alone. Tightly grasping the edge of the bed with his trembling fingers, sweat covered every inch of him while his eyes were left swollen and sore. Unable to sit still, unable to lie down—unable to muster the strength to ever turn his body—he stayed on that bed panting, his breaths growing all the more rough.

“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.“The old master of the sect, Xiao Lao Gui, sensed his time was coming, so he wanted to take in a final disciple that would inherit his sect’s transfiguration technique. I thought that if Young Master Xie was taken in by this sect, then he could at least have a skill he could use to keep himself fed in the future, yes?”

“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.

That night Tian Nanxing had arrived, and while he lay sprawled out on his back asleep, he turned over upon feeling a light tap against his hand, startling him into opening his eyes. Upon opening, he found Shen Yunjie, sitting and staring from his bedside.
Tian Nanxing helped him up, then advised him, “You should drink the medicine first, then I will get you some water.” But not long after feeding him the medicine, Shen Yunjie lurched forward and bellowed a cry so riddled with pain it made every bit of his form tremble.

That night Tian Nanxing had arrived, and while he lay sprawled out on his back asleep, he turned over upon feeling a light tap against his hand, startling him into opening his eyes. Upon opening, he found Shen Yunjie, sitting and staring from his bedside.

Pinching his brows at the sensation of an oncoming headache, Tian Nanxing asked, “What time is it now?”
Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.” Shen Yunjie believed these words, but little did he know he would have to endure for almost two hours more. Sharper and sharper, the pain in his stomach grew. Biting down on the handkerchief, digging his fingers into the mattress until it was scratched through, he endured it all in silence, fearing any noise would alarm the ones outside.

Pinching his brows at the sensation of an oncoming headache, Tian Nanxing asked, “What time is it now?”

“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.
Even Tian Nanxing had a film of sweat forming on the back of his neck. Shen Yunjie was exhausted after enduring for so long, yet there was still no sign of that child’s emergence after so long. When it seemed as though Shen Yunjie was about to faint, Tian Nanxing quickly set aside his needles and cried out, “Yunjie! Wake up! You cannot fall asleep! If you want this child, you cannot!”

“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.” Shen Yunjie believed these words, but little did he know he would have to endure for almost two hours more. Sharper and sharper, the pain in his stomach grew. Biting down on the handkerchief, digging his fingers into the mattress until it was scratched through, he endured it all in silence, fearing any noise would alarm the ones outside.

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”

While rubbing his eyes, Tian Nanxing sensed something wrong with Shen Yunjie’s breathing and asked what was wrong. But after reaching out to touch his friend, he realised Shen Yunjie’s clothes were all soaked.“I felt something moving, so I came to see you.” Shen Yunjie’s brows were bound tight as he spoke, a hand clutching his stomach. Taking hold of his other hand, Tian Nanxing felt Shen Yunjie’s pulse.

While rubbing his eyes, Tian Nanxing sensed something wrong with Shen Yunjie’s breathing and asked what was wrong. But after reaching out to touch his friend, he realised Shen Yunjie’s clothes were all soaked.

N/AChapter Seven


Chapter Seven
Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”

Chapter Seven

“How long have you been in pain?”Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.

“How long have you been in pain?”

Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.At a loss for how he could console his friend in such a situation, Tian Nanxing could only lightly support his frame and, after a moment of thought, say, “The Xiao Sect is located in Yongjia County, Kuozhou. Your young master now goes by the name Xiao Ning. So in the future, perhaps...”

Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.

“Are you seriously bringing up this matter now of all times?” Shen Yunjie then pointed to his stomach, wearing a wry smile. “I believe it’s a bit too late for—nnngh…” Another wave of pain severed his words, turning them into a muffled groan as his fingers crumpled the robe around his waist.
Tian Nanxing hurriedly inserted a needle before he began prattling, “I’ll tell you about that young master of yours, so do not faint, alright?”

“Are you seriously bringing up this matter now of all times?” Shen Yunjie then pointed to his stomach, wearing a wry smile. “I believe it’s a bit too late for—nnngh…” Another wave of pain severed his words, turning them into a muffled groan as his fingers crumpled the robe around his waist.

Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.Shen Yunjie’s prediction was correct.

Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.

“Just lay down for a bit. I have to leave for a short while, alright?” Pulling a blanket over Shen Yunjie, Tian Nanxing then rushed out of the room, even before putting on an outer robe.
Hearing this, Shen Yunjie did his best to force his eyes open and turn his attention towards his friend.

“Just lay down for a bit. I have to leave for a short while, alright?” Pulling a blanket over Shen Yunjie, Tian Nanxing then rushed out of the room, even before putting on an outer robe. For a short while, Shen Yunjie had to endure the pain all alone. Tightly grasping the edge of the bed with his trembling fingers, sweat covered every inch of him while his eyes were left swollen and sore. Unable to sit still, unable to lie down—unable to muster the strength to ever turn his body—he stayed on that bed panting, his breaths growing all the more rough.

Pinching his brows at the sensation of an oncoming headache, Tian Nanxing asked, “What time is it now?”“Why are you always so considerate? Have you been enduring all this time? Why did you not call for me earlier?” The scolding words escaped Tian Nanxong before he knew it, but Shen Yunjie couldn’t focus on those words since the pain he just endured still pained him.

Pinching his brows at the sensation of an oncoming headache, Tian Nanxing asked, “What time is it now?”

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.” Shen Yunjie believed these words, but little did he know he would have to endure for almost two hours more. Sharper and sharper, the pain in his stomach grew. Biting down on the handkerchief, digging his fingers into the mattress until it was scratched through, he endured it all in silence, fearing any noise would alarm the ones outside.

Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”

Tian Nanxing hurriedly inserted a needle before he began prattling, “I’ll tell you about that young master of yours, so do not faint, alright?”
“After the little prince woke up, he didn’t speak a word the entire journey. So, seeing that his mental state was quite poor, I didn’t dare send him to that farming village as planned. Have you ever heard of the Xiao Sect? Of the Ghost Hands within Jianghu (the underworld)?”

Tian Nanxing hurriedly inserted a needle before he began prattling, “I’ll tell you about that young master of yours, so do not faint, alright?”

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.Tian Nanxing couldn’t bear to watch such a pitiful sight, so he hurriedly took hold of his friend’s hand. “I only meant to say that there was no need for you to be pushed into such a situation.”

Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.

“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”
Shen Yunjie frowned and coughed out in pain while trying to answer, but Tian Nanxing covered his mouth and apologised, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you carelessly, so don’t speak. Save your strength to give birth to your child.”

“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”

Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.

Shen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”

Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”“Yes…” Shen Yunjie sputtered out between panting breaths. “The mute... the mute servant. He’s… just outside the doors. You… you can instruct him.”

Sputtering out a few coughs that caused even more pain in his stomach, Shen Yunjie forced his eyes open, yet his vision remained dim. Then, in a voice so weak it was barely a whisper, he cried out, “Young master...”

“Just lay down for a bit. I have to leave for a short while, alright?” Pulling a blanket over Shen Yunjie, Tian Nanxing then rushed out of the room, even before putting on an outer robe.Hearing this, Shen Yunjie did his best to force his eyes open and turn his attention towards his friend.

“Just lay down for a bit. I have to leave for a short while, alright?” Pulling a blanket over Shen Yunjie, Tian Nanxing then rushed out of the room, even before putting on an outer robe. For a short while, Shen Yunjie had to endure the pain all alone. Tightly grasping the edge of the bed with his trembling fingers, sweat covered every inch of him while his eyes were left swollen and sore. Unable to sit still, unable to lie down—unable to muster the strength to ever turn his body—he stayed on that bed panting, his breaths growing all the more rough.

“The old master of the sect, Xiao Lao Gui, sensed his time was coming, so he wanted to take in a final disciple that would inherit his sect’s transfiguration technique. I thought that if Young Master Xie was taken in by this sect, then he could at least have a skill he could use to keep himself fed in the future, yes?”


[T/N: He called the baby a little shaobing (stuffed or unstuffed griddle cake/bread/bun), so meaty stuffing and the cake types as suggested by the title.)]
Tian Nanxing softly applied pressure to Shen Yunjie’s stomach, reminding him to do all he could to stay conscious before continuing to give comfort with his words. “So when I took your young master to the old master, that old man accepted him the second he laid eyes on him. He said that credentials like his were a once-in-a-lifetime catch. The old fool dragged your young master over and refused to let go, saying it was a pity beautiful hands like his would be used for making cakes.”

[T/N: He called the baby a little shaobing (stuffed or unstuffed griddle cake/bread/bun), so meaty stuffing and the cake types as suggested by the title.)]

[T/N: He called the baby a little shaobing (stuffed or unstuffed griddle cake/bread/bun), so meaty stuffing and the cake types as suggested by the title.)]Tian Nanxing helped him up, then advised him, “You should drink the medicine first, then I will get you some water.” But not long after feeding him the medicine, Shen Yunjie lurched forward and bellowed a cry so riddled with pain it made every bit of his form tremble.

[T/N: He called the baby a little shaobing (stuffed or unstuffed griddle cake/bread/bun), so meaty stuffing and the cake types as suggested by the title.)]

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”From a nearby compartment, the mute servant entered the room and knelt before his master bed, offering a kowtow before taking the child from his hands. The child was then placed in a vegetable basket; the greens used to conceal their swaddled form. Then, with a bow, the servant hurried away.

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”Tian Nanxin, sounding relieved, then said to console him, “Don’t worry, it will be over soon. You just need to hold on for a short while longer.” Shen Yunjie believed these words, but little did he know he would have to endure for almost two hours more. Sharper and sharper, the pain in his stomach grew. Biting down on the handkerchief, digging his fingers into the mattress until it was scratched through, he endured it all in silence, fearing any noise would alarm the ones outside.

With a haze still shrouding his vision and his body still damp with sweat, Shen Yunjie weakly grabbed hold of Tian Nanxing’s sleeve before rasping, “Thirsty…”

“How long have you been in pain?”
Shen Yunjie’s brows tightened at another burst of pain that sent his waist into an arch and pained sobs to escape him. With this final push, Tian Nanxing halted in words in an instant and watched as the little one was slowly delivered into his waiting hands. After a moment, the newborn babe let out its first stream of soft cries.

“How long have you been in pain?”

“Are you awake?” Shen Yunjie asked, a huffed breath spilling from his lips.“Are you awake?” Shen Yunjie asked, a huffed breath spilling from his lips.

“Are you awake?” Shen Yunjie asked, a huffed breath spilling from his lips.

“Are you awake?” Shen Yunjie asked, a huffed breath spilling from his lips.
Tian Nanxing wrapped the child and handed it to Shen Yunjie, commenting, “You’re a skinny fella, but your little bun has a good bit of meat on him.”

“Are you awake?” Shen Yunjie asked, a huffed breath spilling from his lips.

Outside, Tian Nanxing instructed the mute servant to boil water, fetch the right medicines, prepare the proper materials, and return to the room to light the candles. By the time he returned to the room, in the time it took to brew a cup of tea, Shen Yunjie’s appearance was finally revealed to him, and that man seemed as though he was on the precipice of death.
[T/N: He called the baby a little shaobing (stuffed or unstuffed griddle cake/bread/bun), so meaty stuffing and the cake types as suggested by the title.)]

Outside, Tian Nanxing instructed the mute servant to boil water, fetch the right medicines, prepare the proper materials, and return to the room to light the candles. By the time he returned to the room, in the time it took to brew a cup of tea, Shen Yunjie’s appearance was finally revealed to him, and that man seemed as though he was on the precipice of death.

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.
Shen Yunjie sat himself up and took the child from his friend’s waiting arms. After staring at the little one with no reaction, tears suddenly began streaming from his eyes. Gently, he pressed his face against the baby’s forehead, his eyes closed. When he opened them again, he no longer looked at the child in his embrace but called out with a crackling voice to summon his mute servant.

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.

Chapter SevenShen Yunjie thought briefly before replying, “It started around nightfall.”

Chapter Seven

Shen Yunjie nodded, quickly forcing his eyes shut. Amidst the drowsiness and occasional stab of pain, his mind was filled with nothing but the years he spent at Xie Yunyi’s side. Scene after scene spun by like a carousel of moving pictures until it came to an abrupt stop on the day he ground the red silks strung about Wujing’s palace under his feet.“The Hour of the Tiger should have just begun. (3-5 a.m.)” Shen Yunjie bit his lips right after replying. With his back hunched over, his slender shoulders trembled as he endured another burst of labour pains.

Shen Yunjie nodded, quickly forcing his eyes shut. Amidst the drowsiness and occasional stab of pain, his mind was filled with nothing but the years he spent at Xie Yunyi’s side. Scene after scene spun by like a carousel of moving pictures until it came to an abrupt stop on the day he ground the red silks strung about Wujing’s palace under his feet.

As dawn neared, Shen Yunjie could no longer bear the pain, a restrained groan leaving him. Using a warm handkerchief, Tian Nanxing wiped his forehead, gently coaxing him awake.
From a nearby compartment, the mute servant entered the room and knelt before his master bed, offering a kowtow before taking the child from his hands. The child was then placed in a vegetable basket; the greens used to conceal their swaddled form. Then, with a bow, the servant hurried away.

As dawn neared, Shen Yunjie could no longer bear the pain, a restrained groan leaving him. Using a warm handkerchief, Tian Nanxing wiped his forehead, gently coaxing him awake.

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”N/A

Realising there was no time to waste, Tian Nanxing got up and helped Shen Yunjie onto his bed. “Is there a servant that could be of assistance?”

From a nearby compartment, the mute servant entered the room and knelt before his master bed, offering a kowtow before taking the child from his hands. The child was then placed in a vegetable basket; the greens used to conceal their swaddled form. Then, with a bow, the servant hurried away.
Tian Nanxing stared at Shen Yunjie after the scene he just witnessed. His words caught in his throat.

From a nearby compartment, the mute servant entered the room and knelt before his master bed, offering a kowtow before taking the child from his hands. The child was then placed in a vegetable basket; the greens used to conceal their swaddled form. Then, with a bow, the servant hurried away.

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.Leaning against the headboard, Shen Yunjie spoke out with chattering teeth, “My master will be arriving soon... so I cannot keep that child beside me.”

“Can you guess what I want to say, right now?” Tian Nanxing used a handkerchief to wipe the perspiration from Shen Yunjie’s brows.

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”From a nearby compartment, the mute servant entered the room and knelt before his master bed, offering a kowtow before taking the child from his hands. The child was then placed in a vegetable basket; the greens used to conceal their swaddled form. Then, with a bow, the servant hurried away.

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”

All the colour was drained from his face, while his body was slathered in layers of sweat. His lower lip was bleeding from his own bites, while his soaked and tangled tresses were scattered all over the bed. Pitifully, his hands wrapped around his extended stomach, afraid to hold it any tighter than he should as the waves of severe pain surged within him.
Leaning against the headboard, Shen Yunjie spoke out with chattering teeth, “My master will be arriving soon... so I cannot keep that child beside me.”

All the colour was drained from his face, while his body was slathered in layers of sweat. His lower lip was bleeding from his own bites, while his soaked and tangled tresses were scattered all over the bed. Pitifully, his hands wrapped around his extended stomach, afraid to hold it any tighter than he should as the waves of severe pain surged within him.

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”“After the little prince woke up, he didn’t speak a word the entire journey. So, seeing that his mental state was quite poor, I didn’t dare send him to that farming village as planned. Have you ever heard of the Xiao Sect? Of the Ghost Hands within Jianghu (the underworld)?”

Pulling his pale lips into a grin, Shen Yunjie forced his back straight before stammering weakly, “You want… to tell me… how I’ve now fallen to such a state…”

Shen Yunjie frowned and coughed out in pain while trying to answer, but Tian Nanxing covered his mouth and apologised, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you carelessly, so don’t speak. Save your strength to give birth to your child.”
At a loss for how he could console his friend in such a situation, Tian Nanxing could only lightly support his frame and, after a moment of thought, say, “The Xiao Sect is located in Yongjia County, Kuozhou. Your young master now goes by the name Xiao Ning. So in the future, perhaps...”

Shen Yunjie frowned and coughed out in pain while trying to answer, but Tian Nanxing covered his mouth and apologised, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you carelessly, so don’t speak. Save your strength to give birth to your child.”

Author's Note:




Updated every Friday. Raws: gongzicp

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